
Motive and inspiring children?

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what are ways to nuture creative characteristics of creativity and ideas you have about fostering creativity in children




  1. Read a lot to they, ask question, make they think.

    Buy lots of art stuff (I buy the chippest so I can buy more)PlayDoh and Lego (Duplo) are great.

    Think like a kid (kid have a lot of immagination), and sometimes play with they like you are a kid, to.o

  2. Lots & Lots more Exposure....

      Consider age appropriate activities for children.  

    baby - 3, repetition classical music, and nursery rhymes, textures, shapes, colors and patterns.  Counting games.


    Toddler +

    Hand on museums and musicals, and school plays are very entertaining for very young children.  More nursery rhymes, and poetry, fingure painting, dough, crayons.  etc.

  3. Open their minds to everything out there....

    The children in my day care are introduced to anything and everything crafty, we take field trips to the Carnegie Science Musem and Pittsburgh Children's Museum, we do a small craft daily and on Fridays we allow creativity to take control of our room. We put on plays, sing songs, puppet shows, gardening, painting, drawings, music instruments, building blocks and much much more. Creativity can come from imaginitive play with costumes. At the day care I have a massive box of uniforms and hats that the children can pretend to be firemen or cooks or what ever they find. I also have a large kitchen/home center where the girls love dragging the boys in to play house and they cook and pretend there as well. We take walks and even stop at the park where the children are especially creative with snow and what they can build. A sandbox during the summer will get the same results. It is natural for children to have imaginations and it isn't hard to bring out the creativity in a child but it very easy to stiffle it.

  4. Do not, treat you students, like..well, student's treat them as if they are your niece or nephew. Try and relate to things they are used to don't give them the a stupid boring lecture, tell them something like, video games,clothes things they are interested. Speak to them in their language, teen kid language, you'll start to see, that they will want you to motivate them.

  5. to motive chidren first you have to let them trust you make them know that you will alway be there for them ,be a role model to them so that they can see positive things in themself dont speak negative thing in their hearing alway speak positive things.

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