
Motocross 50cc, my son wants to race.....?

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Anyone have any experience with these little guys. My son is 8 and we have a suzuki jr 50, he wants to start to race. We have a few tracks around here, but I have no idea how to get him started. Do they race these bikes stock or can you modify the engines? Just need some pointers.




  1. The above answer is the most uninformed I have heard...

    So he dosen't want to play stick and ball sports (which you can just as easily get hurt participating in) theres nothing wrong with wanting to do something that all the other kids are not doing.

    Can he get hurt? Sure he can. But there's not a sport out there that dosen't have risks.

    I'm sure you already know that motocross is a great way for kids to learn how to win or lose (and how to handle defeat graciously) because there are a LOT of really good kids out there riding 50cc bikes that are VERY fast and good. So he will more than likely lose a lot.

    Even in defeat, I guarantee he will have the time of his life.

    Just let him go out there and have fun and no matter how he places tell him how good of a job he done and maybe give him some pointers.

    There is no better sport than motocross for family togetherness.

    If he makes motocross his life passion (which I know a lot of kids that have) they will be so involved in it, they won't have time to think about getting in trouble with gangs, drugs, etc,... because he will be spending all his time working on his bike or thinking about that next race and how he wants to beat his rival in his class.

    Also, if he enjoys motocross I'm sure he likes to watch the top pros on TV. There are no better role models in professional sports than there are in MX/SX. While all of the top stars in the NFL, MLB, and NBA are always in and out of jail, drug trouble and scandals, I cant think of one time a motocross rider has ever got in trouble. They are excellent role models for kids.

    Now that said, if you just go to your local track they will tell you all the rules. You can start him on a stock bike (that's probably what 90% of the bikes on the track will be - stock) and thats probably the preferred way I would want my kid to race.

    Because if for some reason he blows away the rest of the field you might have someone protest that your son has a modified bike and you dont want to have to deal with that.

    Good luck, have fun, make memories that will last forever!

    p.s. I will say this, motocross can somewhat expensive (espically as kids grow older) so be ready for that too.

  2. well if u love him and dont want him to be hurt, talk to him and kick somesence that this is not life work , earn or any other sports is good then risking life on a bike........

  3. just take him out to the track yes they can be modified at some events

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