
Motocross Backflip?

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Im 16

Been racing bikes my hole life..

Im thinking of doin a backfip

Any tips or advice if anyone out there can do it?





  1. Don't try this without  proper training buy a professional. You could paralyze yourself or even kill yourself.

  2. If you try a back flip for the first time without doing it over a foam pit you will most likely break your neck. I guarantee you that even seasoned FMX riders did it over a pit the first several times and I'll bet they didn't pull it off the first few times. If you still want to try it I'm pretty sure natural selection will step in and do it's job.

  3. Hey Azza

    Some good advice you're getting - take the advice, hen go for it and good luck.

    Reason for this 'non' answer is that retarded's link isn't working, but I think this is the same guy:


  4. I can pretty much guarantee no one on this website has ever done a backflip on a 250 pound motorcycle before. But if you want to do it, that's your decision, so go for it.

  5. yeah, hers some advice, dont even think about doing a back flip unless you have  someone there with you who knows how to do one. Plus never attempt one unless you can practice in a foam pit first. Never try it on dirt until you have it down in a pit first.......

  6. Most if not all FMX riders would practice over a foam pit on a BMX then move on to a crosser.

  7. What does a back flip have to do with racing exactly? Showing off I can understand where it fits in but racing not at all - unless of course it is a race for the extrovert attention grabbing type.

  8. go to travis pastranas house ha he will show you

  9., Go and check out this video, This guy traveled with Barry M and and did alot of 16mm film footage when they were in Australia and Europe and the United States. The guy really knows how to ride and he does it for fun.

    If you want to learn the back flip then talk to him.

  10. Build a foam pit then practice with a bicycle then move up to a dirt bike.

    The backflip is a trick that looks easy when it is properly executed correctly, This is a highly difficult trick that will go wrong at any giving time. From a crosswinds to body positioning not right to not enough speed on rotation.

    If you are really serious about learning the backflip i can tell you the basic mechanics and safety per-cautions that you need to know. But, in now way, shape or form that i am responsible for any injuries or death that may occur while using my advice in attempting this maneuver/trick....If you agree, then email me.

    Freestyle Rider 8 years

    As for "Hailredskins" don't make assumptions that you don't know about, I can do a backflip on a dirt bike.h**l, i have own FMX compound. I like coming on "Yahoo Answers" freestyle riders do have down time....It's called the weather.

  11. The fool above me ( hail.... something or other ) is taking out of his butt.

    Dont " just go for it" It will no doubt get you killed.

    The " REAL " people on these pages, IE Barry M, SWT, and KB2002, have it correct.

    You talk to any of the pro riders in the field , Travis, The Tom Cat, Metzger all of them have foam pits.

    You can crash all day long and walk away.

    Im sure there is a local track near to you, and somebody there will know where there is a pit for you to use. It might cost you a days rental, but its better then never walking again.

    Dip SHlT ( or Hail..... ) whatever his name is, might be right, I have NEVER back flipped a 250 LB MX bike. Do you know why ? Because I dont have have a foam pit !!
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