
Motocross help?

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i went to a local track for my first time on my crf150r and when ever i would jump i had trouble gaging how far to lean back and how far to lean forward i would always land nose first and when i leaned a little back i would almost eat **** so what should i do to be able to do jump smoothly




  1. Auburn is correct, but for God's sake don't listen to the first answer. Grab the front brake in the air...WTF!! Auburn makes a good point about the 4 stroke machines. They have much more engine braking than a 2 stroke so you have to hold the throttle on until you have left the jump face or you will nose dive. It is always best to stay forward on all jumps and then correct in the air. It is much easier to lower the rear in the air than it is to lower the front. If your nose is low in the air simply rev the bike pretty hard in the air (what's called a panic rev) and that will drop the rear end. Dropping the front end is much trickier. You must brake tap and that is a more advanced technique. To brake tap you must pull in the clutch while in mid air and tap the rear brake. Just a very quick tap on the rear brake will drop the nose a bunch so never hold the rear brake and don't execute too soon. I really don't recommend you even trying this at your level. Just try to make sure you never jump nose high by staying forward on the jump face.

  2. hold the frount brake if your to far back be shure to let off in time or yall go head first

  3. If you are landing nose first you might be shutting the power off on the up ramp which brings the nose down.  

    You need to have a good body position with your chin in line over the bars, legs slightly bent and your elbows up.  

    You can land on your back wheel if you apply too much throttle on the last bit of your take off.  As you take off you should throttle off.  If you are going nose down grab a hand full of throttle.  If you are going tail down hit the back brake which should bring the front down.

  4. when your jumping just gas it before the jump.  When you hit the rear brake it stops the rear tire causing you to nose dive. After a lot of practice you can guage yourself. For instance, when you hit doubles, you gas before the jump and just before you land you tap the rear break to bring the nose down into the downhill part of the second jump. When you stick your rearend over the back tire , naturally your going to start going over backwards. When you hit the jump center yourself and you will be able to control the bike better. Learning to wheelie teaches you control of the back wheel. When you start  to go over your balance point, tap your rear wheel and it will bring you down to where you can control the bike better. I wish I was there to show you. Now I want to get a bike again.
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