
Motocross sponsor?

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i am 14 and i want to become pro im pretty good if i want to get sponsored will sponsors come to me?




  1. right on dude,i was a pro mx racer back in 1999,i started riding pretty much when i was 9 on my 50cc kawasaki first race was junior mx,came in second..went on racing then after,but i started to explore motocross freestyle..attempted my first backflip when i was 13 but it ended in tragedy,didn't flip enough and landed face first with my ktm 125cc landing on top of me,broke my jaw,broke both my shoulders,two places on my groin and a severe concussion...(haha,could never forget the pain)i couldn't ride for a while..but then i got back into mx racing when i was 15 and won my first mx race and came in first in both 125cc and 250cc on the same day,honda sponsored me for a year,but in the middle of my contract ktm approched me offering a better contract...i rode for ktm for 3 years,won some and lost i'm 27 and i don't race professionally anymore,just cruise around on my kawasaki zx 1100(my baby)...i say try get ya self more into racing and put ya self out there in the moto scene,sponcers are always out there watching,train hard,get ya burms and jumps right...throttle control and all...ya have to win a couple of racers in order for a company to offer ya a contract..good luck mate..ride on...

  2. The only way to get sponsorship is to be exactly what a sponsor is looking for.

    You have to present well which not only means yourself personally with clean gear when you race and the ability to speak clearly and do an acceptance speech thanking your sponsors clearly,  your bike and outfit have to present well.  This means turning up to race with a clean bike and a neat trailer or van and a well setup pit tent.  

    You also have to be winning most races that you enter or at least placing or showing that you are darn good and perhaps things didn't go your way on that particular occasion.  

    Do  yourself up a resume stating what things you have achieved and what events you intend to enter in the future.  Sponsors want to get as much exposure as they can.   Offer to put their stickers on your bike and trailer and if you do get sponsorship be prepared to do race reports after every event so the sponsors are getting something back for their dollar.  

    Once you have been around for a while and are consistently winning you will get noticed and as long as you present well then you are more likely to get sponsorship.

    But try to enjoy the sport along the way.

  3. no, start riding at tracks with in your area if you already dont, if your good enough to have a sponsor you will stand out above the rest. go to a motorcycle shop in your area and talk to them about sponsoring you. as far as the pro things go you just have to start winning races and get seen by the right people.

  4. If you win enough some will come to you. For some others you will need to put together a resume and send it to them. If you can qualify for Loretta Lynn's (provided you are in the states of course), that is the most high profile amateur race in the country. That is where many riders pick up sponsors and factory rides.
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