
Motor-cross nipple tape?

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I saw part of a motor-cross event earlier and on of the guys had had a bad wreck and was cut up pretty badly. So they're helping him up and everything and he has his shirt off by this point because he's bleedingand everything. While they're driving him off the track I notice he has pieces duct tape covering his nipples. What I want to know is if thats normal in the sport for some reason or is it something he'll have to explain to his buddies later on as they make fun of him? It's not like he's a chick who has to wear pasties incase her boob pops out, so what is the reasoning behind this?




  1. I might have your explanation. I've been in the army for 7 years, and when I wear body armor, my nipples rub. They get raw, and get sore, Motorcycle riders wear kevlar, and I bet it's the same thing. You put thick tape on your nipples, and your body armor and shirt don't rub your nipples off.

  2. Instead of duct tape, (since its so d**n sticky) I always use those little round Band-Aid's. They stay on fine and peel off easily after the race.

    Man nipple rub really does hurt. Once after a race mine hurt really bad and my "buddy" walked up to me and gave me double purple nurples. I about cried.

  3. "dirtmerchant" pretty much answered it correctly.Yes, chest protectors and the 'body armor" protection gear will rub your nipples raw and in the cooler months of the year....oh man!, it hurts bad....Duct Tape is great.

  4. I get the sore nips from the chest protector, but I am not shaving my chest for tape. I deal with the pain, but yes. the other answer is right. They get rubbed raw and it is not pleasant.

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