
Motorbike test nerves! (UK)?

by Guest65173  |  earlier

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Im taking my bike test soon and im so nervous, I know I can ride and handle the bike but having a test is destroying my confidence. Any good tips to stay calm and get through the day with a pass? Any good tips, experiences or test knowledge would be great!!!




  1. take deep breaths

  2. I was absolutely bricking it when I did mine. Dunno why, I was confident in my ability, there was nothing on the test that I found hugely challenging and I'd practiced the test routes loads of times. I think it's just putting yourself under scrutiny that causes the anxiety. You just have to think '**** it, what's the worst that can happen if I fail?' You do it again, that's all.

    Try and remember that the worst bit is the waiting. Once you get on the bike you find you're concentrating too hard on doing everything by the book to be nervous. If you make a c**k-up just carry on like it never happened, you might just get away with it. A lot of it is down to the instructor, you can only try your best.

    Good luck, I'm sure you'll be fine. The ride home after you pass is f**king fantastic!

  3. i would say just relax and enjoy yourself the worst you can do is fail and then you just take it again

    remember the examiners see nervous riders all day and most of them pass so why not you

  4. I took my test last year after riding for a month and passed first time had two marks for balance; which seemed to be more for I have to give you something as it cannot be a clean sheet.

    You do not say how long you have been riding, well once you have gotton over the manouvers just treat it as a ride out.  Do what you would normally, lifesavers, mirrors signals etc and you will be fine.

    They are just testing that you can ride safe they are not expecting a professional biker with years upon years of experience, they expect a few nerves.  

    Have fun and ride safe.

  5. Tell me about it, i have mine on Monday coming.  All i can suggest is play in your mind the route that the instructor has taken you,  basically you are riding in your mind and you do the stuff that you have been taught, when to signal, to move, at round abouts, just imagine what you will be doing on your test.  Play it over and over again until you know by heart what to do.  Also tell your self that you are going to pass and that you are going to be confidant.

    What they are looking for is that you are a safe rider and that you can control the bike and your actions in a safe manner, they are not expecting you to be perfect so do not over do it or you will make mistakes.  Get to bed early for a couple nights before to feel fresh and relaxed.

    Tell me how you get on

  6. The worst part is the first couple of minutes but once you settle into your riding the nerves ebb away. Just make sure you stay concentrated and you'll do it.

    Just remember the examiners are only normal people and just checking that you know how to ride and be safe - You've already said you know you can do that.

    Good luck.

  7. Drive as if your mother was sitting behind you....:-)

  8. When you do you u turn remember to keep you foot on the brake and remember blind junctions( ones where they cross roads but without road makings usually on housing estates) and remember to do your lifesaves dont just use your mirrors and use your indicators

    Remember your pre test test

    they ask you to point out things on your bike and things like tread wear on motorbike tyres

    I suggest u take some calms tabs there fab I did before mine and passed 1st time

    Good Luck to you I hope it goes well

  9. I failed my first test, it was a really hot day and when it came to the U turn i put my foot down.

    Passed on everything else which was anoying. The tester spoke to me afterwards and suggested if it's a hot day on your next test, don't wear leather trousers they tend to stick and restrict your movement.

    After a calms tablet and a change to kevlon trousers i sailed through the test and passed.

    just relax and wear nonrestricting clothes. You'll do fine best of luck and let us know how you get on. :)

  10. There's nothing to it in the states, not sure what it is like there. I thought it was a bit of a joke. Nothing to be nervous about for sure.

  11. If you have been riding for a while the test is easy.  No reason to be nervous, as long as you have it properly registered and insured.

  12. hey mr pink....just relax,breathe deep,roll your shoulders up the side of your head and back down,if your nervous you'll be stiff and it will show through your steering,just stretch the tension out,enjoy your-self,and dont fail on the stupid silly stuff....!!!! :)

  13. Think positive! If you know how to ride you have no worries.

    I get this all the time with my pupils and I tell them to pretend that the examiner is not there and you're just going for a pleasant ride and you have a tom tom telling you where to go or a friend is telling which way to go. When it comes to your U-Turn just think - its only one that you have to do and then you can just ride around the block.

    I was very nervous when I went to do my instructors test but I pretended that the examiner was a pupil of mine - I knew I could do it that way, and I did.

    Another way you could calm down is to take calms or another relaxant to calm those nerves down.

    The night before your test - don't sit up trying to remember everything! Chill out, don't drink alcohol, have a nice hot bath and listen to music that will help you relax and get an early night and get as much sleep as you can so your wide awake and refreshed the next morning - ready for test.

    As long as you know what you got to do now - your likely to pass and if you fail all you got to do is get in again as soon as you can and try again!

    Good Luck

  14. as with every thing in life...  there are usually only 2 outcomes to any problem.......

    it will be a success..  or it will be a fail..

    if its a success theres no problem..

    if its a fail then you have to sit the test again...

    when you sit the test  theres a possible 2 out comes ..

    if you pass ,,  no problems.. if you fail.. you have to sit the test again....

    when you sit the test theres a possible 2 out comes...

    get the Idea...


  15. i saw the question and just sniggerd...nothing to worry about..make sure you get the intercom fitted propley first,nothing worse then missing instructions from the tester...possition your bike corectlly,youve as much right to the road as all other courtious to other road users..always look all around....exspect the will pass....and enjoy.

    funny story my test..had it booked but got a cancellation in 2 the bike,loaned a fell over.fuel all to test centre with 10 mins to spare to find it had been pulled down...NOOOOO...a quick phone call got me there in time...passed with no faults only to let slip that i wasnt insured to the tester...a shake of the head and he passed me the pass slip...the full licence was of the world...

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