
Motorcycle buy sports bike?

by Guest67090  |  earlier

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can u tell what motorcycle i should i buy not sure Honda CBR1000RR Suzuki Hayabusa Suzuki GSX-R1000 YamahaYZF-R1




  1. DO NOT START ON A 1000CC. It's a loaded gun in a child's hands if you are new to riding. You can't comprehend the power and will end up on your side or worse if you try to abuse it. Even if ridden carefully the slightest mishap will launch the bike because of it's 150-170hp. Not to mention they're the worst on insurance and operating costs.

    Take an MSF course, you sould like you don't know much about riding. Learn on a 250cc or at the most a 600cc supersport/sport tourer. Don't be a squid.

    I rode a YZF-R1 last week, I'm experienced on 600cc's and the power shocked me.

  2. LMFAO.

    nice knowin' ya.

  3. Definatly a Kawi ZX-14....

  4. Sounds like your a first timer. You'll probably kill yourself on one of those. Dont get anything more then a 600cc and take an MSF course.

  5. buy a 600cc (Yamaha, Suzuki, or Kawasaki)  and take the safety course.

    I have a Yamaha R6 it goes 90 in first gear, and has 6 gears.

    your still learning what would you need more for?

    and believe me when i tell you, if you want to be a skilled rider, learn on a 500 get good, and then move up. its very hard to learn on a big bike, and the bigger bikes will not forgive your mistakes.

    good luck, and ride safe.

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