
Motorcycle or Car first?

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should i learn how to drive a stick shift car first or motorcycle?

i want to learn both but one at a time




  1. I would go with a Motorcycle then stick shift. Depends on what you are going to drive in the future I guess.

  2. A car can't spill.

  3. The car

  4. For thought: I was always told that having a motorcycle is very unsafe and that "there are those that have a motorcycle that HAVE crashed and burned and there are those who have motorcycles that WILL crash and burn."

    So needless to say I would choose the car over the motorcycle.

  5. Depends how old are you if your 16-21 get a ped/motorcycle or if your older get some type of car!!  

  6. car

  7. Go with the car, if you are young you are going to want a back seat.

  8. Go with the car first. You don't want to get stuck riding the bus or getting rides from other people on a bad weather day. I've been riding for 19 years and believe me when I say that it is no fun when you get caught in the rain while riding. I'm not trying to scare you, just somthing to keep in mind for when you do get it.

                                              The Gonz  

  9. car!  if you are inexperienced, you are much more likely to have a mishap... and it will be safer to have that mishap in a car than on a bike

  10. Do you know how to drive an automatic? Don't get the motorcycle unless you've had some driving experience, you should be comfortable with how to drive on public roads before buying a motorcycle. If you get in a fender bender in a car you will be bummed, if you get in one on a bike you might get seriously screwed up especially if you arent wearing protective gear. If you've been driving awhile a bike would be great, especially if you also have a car. Also take the msf course to learn how to ride the bike. go to

  11. Motorcycle is easier, but depends on which you have. If you need to get a car license first, I would do the car first.  

  12. Motorcycle is better for starters.

  13. Motorcycle.  The stick shift car is getting to be an obsolete vehicle.  It is hard to find a new car without automatic transmission.  

  14. A car. Most people don't see a motorcycle as a everyday piece of transportation. Motorcycles are more for weekends and fun. Kind of like a hobby.

  15. CAR!!!! You have to be a very experienced driver to drive a motorcycle and chances are , theres a 65% chance that you'll get in a wreck. Unlike a Car which is 40% chance. Good LUCK!!!  

  16. Having been driving cars for 36 years and motorcycles for 34, I'd tell you cars.

    The reason for that is, there is a lot more to driving or riding than just the mechanics of it. You want to learn to evaluate traffic patterns, you want to learn to understand how people react and move. You want to learn that a person looking to their left even if their blinker on is probably going to move left, and hundreds of other little subtle things that we take for granted every day.

    If you make a mistake in car, you get a bent fender.

    what do you think you get on a motorcycle? It's called road rash, and takes a lot longer to heal than it does to fix the fender.

  17. depends on where u live. if u can ride year round go with the motorcycle. if u have hard winters like i do then do the car thing and the motorcycle later on.

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