
Motorcycle training course in Colorado?

by  |  earlier

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My son lost his drivers license but is in the process of getting it reinstated, he bought a motorcycle and wants to take a safety course so that when he gets his license it can also be endorsed for motorcycle usage. Does anyone know of any classes he can take without a valid drivers license in the Denver area? Thanks




  1. it's called an MSF course and I know if you call front range community college in Fort Collins they can give you the website so he can get signed up, I'd give you the number but my cell is almost dead and I need the last bit of juice to set up a date tonight :)

    however, without a license it's hard to say if they'll let him participate, in fact, I doubt it because I remember having to show mine when I went, he'll just have to wait till he gets his license back.

    I think it's or something like that just google MSF colorado and that should get you to the website where you sign up

  2. MSF will NOT let you ride without a license.  License means PRIVELEGE.  He lost his.

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