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im 14 and i started saving up for a car a while ago but with the raising gas prices i've been thinking about getting a motorcycle more and more i want know some basic things like how much more is the insurance ussuly what is a good(durable) motorcycle to get how old do you have to be to get your licenses and any other important things. and plz my dad is a nurse I've already had the whole speech and i know that they call motorcyclists organ donors so if you goona give me that c**p don't even bother answering




  1. The age at which u can drive will depend on ur area so look into it. well getting a bike will cost u, though not as much a car. first and formost take your local msf course. its very enjoyable, ull learn alot and get first hand experience on a bike. second try finding a used bike. trust me. im noob and got a new kawasaki vulcan 500. ive droped it twice and its like being punched in the soul. u will drope it no doubt about it so dont waste money on new unlessu have no choice ( i didnt btw). when searching for a bike get somethin small 250- 600. u wont be able to handle anythin bigger. now insurance will depend on the bike. usually sportbikes have higher insurance for obviouse reasons. a good beginner sport bike would be a ninja 250 or 500, cruiser: vulcan 500 or honda shadow. after that u will need to invest in gear. helmet gloves and jacket.  hope this help.

  2. Hey Depending on where you live you dont need to even have insurance... (I live in FL and I dont need it). You can get an endorcement or a motorcycle only licence after the completion of the basic riders corse (mandatory in most states).  Some schools for the course only demand a permit and some a full licence, you really need to call your local DMV. Be ready the average course price is between 200-400$...

    I had a 500ex (1990) high miliage. It was easy to handle, parts were every where. But it was heavy. Depends on your style if you like cruziers or motorcycles.

  3. Personally I have been riding for years and I can understand why you want one because of gas prices but I wouldn't recommend getting one just for the fact that they aren't a very practical EVERYDAY driver. You have to think about what are you going to do when it rains, or when it is cold ( I have ridden in below freezing temps and it is horrible, even at like 40-50 degrees it hurts to ride in the cold ALL THE TIME). Plus you have to think you are going to probably want to start dating soon and trust me your significant other isn't going to want to ride a motorcycle everywhere I can promise you that. So if you look at it you only have a mode of transportation if it is sunny and warm so that leaves you with a vehicle you only can use for 7 months of the year without freezing to death. It's just my opinion but if you really insist your insurance is going to be very high... probably about the same as if you had to pay for gas in a car each month because of your young age ( and that is a cruiser, don't even think about a crotch rocket because I promise you can't afford it. Go to and get a free quote if you don't believe me.) Sorry if this busts your bubble but it is the best advice i can give you.

  4. You have  a couple of years so save your money and see what is out there them.

  5. my insurance for a honda cbr 600 is about $100 per year, but i am older than try and call geico for a quote and they will tell u the rates for new riders. in my state, u must be 16 to get the license. the best bikes for me have been hondas, but it comes down to how u feel after u try out a few bikes so it depends on what u like. oh, and invest in a good helmet and protective gear so u can keep your organs!

  6. the ninja 500 is a decent bike and will last  if well maintained. it is a good first bike to learn on, but also look into a small cruiser style bike.

  7. isurance is going to depend on what type of bike and engine size. a 17 year old with a hayabusa is gonna have HIGH insurance. you should start with a 600 cc bike I think. dont know where you live so dont know how old ya gotta be.

  8. any bike from 250-600 would be good but depending on the engine size will determine your ensureance so you should start small. a 400 or a 500 should be good.
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