
Motorcyclists, should scooter drivers be included in the unspoken, obligatory, left-hand wave rule?

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I hope I don't get blacklisted for mentioning it. How about it? I feel sorry for them sometimes.




  1. I never did before, but I think I'll start.

  2. I was thinking of buying a Vespa...guess I'll get heckled.

  3. I live in Australia, I have ridden in the USA and didn't know what you guys where doing. Here in Aussieland we ride on the left side of the road and its a little herder to see the left hand wave.

    Mostly we give each other a nod of the helmet. But its not just the Scooter riders who don't acknowledge this from us Sports bike riders, but the Harlie riders think they don't need the friendly, how are you going jester too.

    Stay Upright.

  4. Never, they should come under the right hand quick flip back hand toss rule.

  5. there is nothing obligatory or cast in stone, do whatever you'd like

    i'm in a small town, so i usually know anyone i pass, so i wave at most on the scooters, they're always old fogies anyways

  6. i wave at them all,,,,its all about the freedom of the open road,,,and being on 2 wheels. shouldnt matter what youre on...anyone who shuns them to uphold some retarded image is a poser and doesnt know or value the true meaning of being on 2 wheels...even though i feel they are missing out with those cvt auto engines..more power to'em...theyll move up one day..

  7. Usually I'm in such a good mood, that I give them either a wave or a head flip.  But they never respond, so oh well.  I've also got to tell you that some of those scooter guys are hardcore.  They're out there riding in icy hail, packing double, while most people won't even drive their cars.  It's quite apparent that a lot of them either are VERY new to riding, or just very nervous and don't either want to lift a hand off the bars or take their eyes off the road.  But, back to the subject.  Unlike Ninebadthings and others who I won't mention, I never dog someone for what or how they ride.

  8. Scooter riders face all the hazards that motorcyclists do a and they do it on machines that are not as quick or as visible.  I wave at them. (Law 138) is right though, most don't have a clue.

  9. shoot I know some real Jack A**'es that ride full size bikes that don't deserve to be waved at,.,.,. unless you consider the 1 finger solute a wave. I wave to everyone

  10. I like waving at scooter riders.  They are usually riding around with an ear to ear smile, just loving the ride, unlike the pretentious dorks practicing their scowl and modeling their assless chaps on cruisers.

    Plus I think there is a law that only hot chicks are allowed to ride scooters, always worth a look.

  11. Don't feel sorry for them be happy for them. They are finding out what we've known for all the years we've been riding. Riding is one of the coolest things you can do in the world. It's calming, it's exciting it's adventurous. A 23 year old teacher where I work just bought a new scooter to save on gas commuting to and from work. She had never even been on a bike before that. The first day she rode to work she walked up to me and said "I rode my scooter to work. I was doing 40 mph down Wilbeth road! That was the most exhilarating thing I've done my whole life". I wish you could have seen her eyes. I could FEEL her excitement.

    So should we wave? Dam Straight we should because half of those scooter riders are going to be riding full sized bikes one day and I'm honored to share the road with them.

  12. Well, kiddies, I am 63, ride a Kymco PS250.  Most motorcyclists wave at me, or I wave at them.  Rarely get snubbed.  I can do 70 on the freeway with them all, so I get some respect; but I also give respect.  I know a big cruiser is where I will sit one day, just not now.

    Maybe because this is in AZ, where we don't have a whole lot of attitude.  Its too beautiful here, even tho its hot now.  We do ride 12 months a year.

    Why not wave?  Most riders of all stripes are happy to be on their bikes. And smile if you see me; I'm the guy with the pony tail.

  13. do we have to wave to kids on big wheels also ?

    fat chicks and mopeds are alot of fun to ride til your friends catch you riding them !

  14. Scooter???? What's a scooter????

    I'll wave to them when they get a real bike.

    Motorcyclist wave to each other because we're out there having fun and enjoy seeing like minded people. Scooter riders don't fit into that group because there is no way those things could be any fun.

  15. What rule? I hate rules. I ride to experience freedom. Wave at who ever you want. Just don't expect everyone to blindly follow.

    Ride free, Live free, Die free.

  16. Wave if you wish, but I think you will find they have no clue what you are doing.  With gas prices as high as they are, most you see on mopeds just got them and are probably scared to death and wont take one hand off to wave anyway.

  17. My '78 SX400 is down right now - Gonna be a while til it's back up and rolling.  It may not be a chromium plated, fully illuminated, V-Twin Heritage, Made in USA, etc., etc., but it gets the job done.  So right now, I'm ridn' scooty complete with "Barbie" tassels in the grips (it's my sisters...)  Thought about gettn a Lic Plate ring that reads "My other bike is a . . .", but na. ..  Some riders wave, others shine me on. . .  Heck, they did that on the Yamaha. . .

    Life's too short, and the planets too small.  Take a page from G. Carlin - "Don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweaty things. . ."

  18. i have a 08' softail,an i dont mind riding with those scooter guys.i used to ride one an the ol' lady even went to a couple o rallys on it.yes i wave at all those righteous scooter brothers an sisters.

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