
Moulin Rouge and Mamma Mia?

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Have you ever seen more unadulterated rubbish? If you do let us all know LOL.




  1. well mama mia is the worst musical ever but i kinda like it moulin rouge and i also recommend Sweeney Todd it is great

  2. Moulin Rouge was an absolute assault on the senses and I couldn't tolerate it at all.

    Mamma Mia... you know the US is in a state of decline when a musical containing all Abba songs is getting this much attention.

  3. Hey!

    I know Moulin Rouge is just rubbish but i did enjoy Mamma mia!!

    It was great fun!!

    I think Sweeney Todd was really good musical too...

  4. I knew not to watch them cause they are blatant chick flicks. For a decent "musical", try Sweeney Todd, I was surprised how good it was.

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