
Mountain Wave Soaring... how do you enter the lift...?

by Guest34437  |  earlier

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How do you approach the lift part of the turbulence and avoid the sink?




  1. look at the clouds for 2 things.

    1. the lenticulars will tell you where the updraft/downdraft is and

    2. the 'normal' coulds are on the leeward side of the mountains so just stay on the windward side.

  2. Two wrong answers. Since mountain waves occure DOWNWIND  of mountains you would hardly want to approach from the WINDWARD side of a mountain ridge. That would be ridge soaring and this guy wants to go wave soaring.

    So, what you do is tow into the wave several miles downwind. If you can find the rotor, you could tow into the leading edge of that but it'll be a rough climb.

  3. Enter from the windward side parallel to the mountain. The down wind side will usually have the most sink. I hope you have mountain flying experience before you start playing with ridge lift, because the mountain gods aren't very forgiving. Always have your escape planned, and turn down hill. Mountains climb much faster than light aircraft or gliders, when you are heading at them. There-for cross them at a 45 degree angle if you can. that way all you need is a gentle turn to get away from them and have almost instant altitude. The best time to climb is before you get to them. Beware of rising terrain.

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