My horse was out in a pasture with two other horses for about a week. We were going to put them in pasture during the day, and bring them into stalls during the night, but we didn't have stalls available at that time so we just kept them in the pasture.
There have been mountain lions sighted in the area, and supposedly all the animals are coming down from the woods (our ranch has woods behind it, and the trail leads from our ranch to other ranches and roads is surrounded in trees) to go to the trail. Our pasture was right on top of the hill right next to the trail (you could open the gate from the pasture and you'd be on the trail), so anyway, I came out to ride my horse and she had these marks on her chest on her body. They were in a perfect claw mark, and everyone who has looked at it has said that it was probably a mountain lion.) I guess she could be mistaken for a deer in the dark, because she is a bay and is *very* fine-boned. Continued in additional details.