
Mounting a bike indoors?

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I have heard that you can mount a normal bike indoors so that you can ride it during the winter. I do not want to purchase an exercise bike and try to figure out how to assemble it. I have no idea what the mount would be called or where to find it. Please help me find this!




  1. riding outside in the winter time will make you tougher

  2. A bike roller system is ideal, in that you use your own bike, can ride sitting or standing, plus you have to balance, just like real riding.  You just put your bike on the rollers, get on and go.  No special mounting, and all you need is a little more floor space than your bike takes up.  The only thing missing is the hills and curves.

    I used one every winter, until my ex got it in the break up.  There are many out there, in different price ranges.  Check out the link below, then ask at your local bike shop.

  3. They are called trainers and stay away from the cheese cake until you get married.

    Just kidding enjoy.

  4. its probably called a bike rack

  5. What you're looking for is called a cycling trainer.  There are many different models.  The least expensive simply attach to the rear wheel of the bike and provide resistance by either a fan, a magnet, or a fan encased in fluid.  The fan and fluid have the most "realistic" feeling - i.e. progressive resistance.  The fluid and magnetic trainers are the quietest.  You can find them at any bike shop. They also have more expensive rollers and trainers that have virtual reality software (i.e. video game) but the rear wheel ones are sufficient for most people.

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