
Mouse/Rat in my house!HELPP!

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There's a mouse or rat somewhere in my house, and I know for sure because there is their p**p in all of the cabinets in the kitchen. We cannot spot the rodent, but we do think that it may have escaped in some hole. We are currently emptying all of the kitchen cabinets, and we have set mouse traps all around. Does anybody have any ideas how to spot or find it?! Please help!! And don't tell me "keep doing what you're doing." Tel me something new I can try! Thankss!




  1. well we have a mouse or more in our home and we had one until we got some d con and killed the little varmint so maybe try that i don't know wheather that will kill the rat if thats  what you have  but i know from experience that  that will kill the mice  

  2. You probably won't see it, mice and rats are pretty sneaky. Keep putting traps out. If you have a cat or can borrow one from a friend that might help. You might want to put your food in Tupperware or something to keep the pests out of it. Good luck!

  3. Well, rats are often ''too smart'' for mouse traps. They will end up with the food, and not caught.

    Consider using a humane trap, and then releasing the rodent in a far away field.

    Also, peanut butter is a huge favorite of rats. Much more than cheese, so if you are using cheese as your bait, reconsider! Peanut butter is much harder to steal off the trap w/o being caught, anyways.

    I don't condone the use of kill traps, but -=shrugs=- can't change everyone's mind, so if you're gonna do it, do it right.

  4. Use one of humane mouse and rat traps where they go in and the door snaps shut so they cant get out. You could use peanut butter or anything kind of human food that smells good to them. But rats and mice are pretty crafy.

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