
Mouth sore on my lip, dont know what it is..

by  |  earlier

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On my bottom lip on the inside of my mouth, there seems to be two tiny white circles connected by a white line and it hurts. Maybe some sort of sore, but what kind? I am not sure what it is or how to take care of it, or even how it possibly developed. Its been a few days, and Im now debating on wether I should seek out my dentists or a primary doctor. If anyone knows about this at all it would be great, it would save me time and trouble. Thanks alot..




  1. It is not herpes.  It's an aphthous ulcer (aka canker sore).  Rest, and good oral hygiene will help it heal faster.  To help keep it clean and reduce the pain, I've always used a bit of Campho Phenique.  It is not strictly supposed to be used in the mouth, so don't use too much.  But I found that a small dab on a cotton swab applied directly on the sore works wonders in helping to clear them up.  Also, do your best to keep from messing with it with your tongue and whatnot.

  2. k****r sore (sp?). Related to a cold sore which is related to herpes. Nothing to worry about. You'll just have a sore lip for a while. Worst case scenerio, it doesn't go away. Then it could be cancer but that's very unlikely.

  3. Sounds like you have a canker sore! OUCH!! They really hurt too! If your mouth has a stinging feeling when you drink stuff that has acid in it, then it's a possibility that it's a canker sore...

  4. i think it might be a k****r (or canker) sore but im not sure... i think theyre supposed to go away on their own but you can get some medicene to make them not hurt

  5. it sounds like a canker sore. i get those all the time and they hurt so bad! sometimes i get a warm glass of water, mix in some salt and swish it around in my mouth for a little while. there's a tablet that's supposed to numb it that you can buy for it too. you place it on the sore and just leave it there for a little while. But i would NOT recommend it. they never fully dissolve and it leaves a nasty taste in you mouth so when you go to take it off, it like sticks to the sore and hurts even worse. I'm just giving you a heads up with that! But it usually goes away on its own in a few days.

  6. Canker sore, been getting them my whole life. I find that if you take a cheap aspirin tablet and let it dissolve on the sight it gives much relief.

  7. Herpes now don't worry because that happens just put some ashes on it it will hurt but it works. In a day or so it should be gone or start healing

    And we all have herpes in our bodys

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