
Move about 10Gb from desktop to Laptop?

by  |  earlier

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I have about 10 gigabytes of misc data that are mostly in the 'Desktop' folder on a windows 2000 PC. I want to move the 10Gb file to my laptop (Windows XP); I never set up a network at my house.

What's an *easy way to do this? I could copy the folder to a bunch of cd-rw's but that seems like a pain. I'm thinking of zipping it and uploading to an ftp site; than downloading with the Laptop.

Any suggestions?




  1. Use a USB flash drive, or connect the two computers together with an ethernet cable (effectively setting up a small network). Don't upload to an FTP site; it will take days to do that.

  2. If you can spare about $20-25 I recommend buy a USB flash drive. Things will be faster and more accurate.

    With online storage, when you download you have some limits on upload and download plus the internet traffic.

    Or give about $2 and buy a DVD-RW (RE-WRITABLE)and burn the contents in there.

    You will need just to copy the DVD three times and will take just half hour to 45 min. still faster than upload and download 10GB.


  3. Get a cross-link network cable, plug each end into one computer and you've got yourself a 2 pc network. Copy the files and when you're done, remove the cable.

    You get a meter of crosslink cable for about $1,50 at any electronics store, that's a lot cheaper than the above mentioned firewire cable, if you don't have one allready.

    Advice: crosslink cable looks just like regular network cable (in fact, it is, but the connector is wired differently), so label it.

  4. Easiest way is with a flash drive - you can get a 4Gb drive for $25 or so.

    Smaller once are cheaper, but you will be shuttling back and forth more.

    Just fill it up, copy onto the new machine, delete what's on the drive and repeat until you have everything you want.

    You will be done in half the time it owuld take just to set up the network.

    Flash drives are handy to have around - they are the new floppy.

  5. if both computers got firewire, just plug em both with the same cable and send away!

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