
Moved abroad not worked, want to return to uk nowhere to live, gave council house up on departure?

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not sure of where i stand with regards to housing on return, i am unemployed on benefit.




  1. I did a similar thing, I emigrated abroad for six years and then came back to the UK only to be told I had opted out of the system, fortunately I had enough money to put down on a house and I got a job OK. The only thing that upset me was prior to going abroad I had payed all my dues, taxes ni.etc for a period of fifteen years and was treated like a scrounger by social security on my return. I often wonder how immigrants get on when they arrive in the UK.

    I think Barmy has it wrong although I like the logo'

  2. You are made yourself homeless by effectively moving country, to move and expect the UK government to pick up the pieces when its not worked out is beyond belief!

    You'll have to stay with family and sort yourself out, yourself and not rely on the state, get yourself work and rent a plce yourself, where's your pride?

  3. hmmm.  to your advantage will be some "charm".  the weather and people will do that to you.  get people to help upon return but not anyone your related to.

  4. Go to the council they will find you accomodation, if you are single then it may only be hostel or a bedroom in a shared house.

    If you can borrow the money rent privately and claim housing benefit.

    Good Luck.

  5. everything has been said, not a lot of compassion is there but I hope you find something soon, after all illegals and asylum seekers seem to have priority in this country and they get more compassion from the government than you, I call that blatant discrimination, no doubt there are many factors that made you leave in the first place and likewise that make you want to return, just come back believing the best and I hope the best for you. Good Luck

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