I have a teddy bear hamster, and he is the sweetest thing in the world.
I only got him because I spent a arm and a leg on a big cage, and my dwarf could escape it. So I bought a bigger hamster to go in it. When I got him he let me touch him and hold him the forst day we had him, and all he did was run on his wheel, eat, and sleep.
He was living at my boyfriends, but I felt my boyfriend didnt take very good care of him, he didnt check on him enough.
I moved him in here today to house, and he is freaking out.
at first he was very scared, and didnt move, and now he is running around trying to escape.
I know this is all normal.
I just am not sure if the 3 day rule applies here. When I talk to him or sit by the cage, he acts normal. the second I leave he tries to escape.
should I leave him alone for 3 days, or should I give him attention, I am not sure if giving him attention will be more comforting to him or not since he knows my scent.