
Moved out of apt-leasing office wants $150 for carpet damage-please help?

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My husband I I moved out of our apt on 6/30. 2 days before we moved out, we rented a steam cleaner and cleaned the carpet 2 days in a row and also vacuumed thoroughly once all the furniture was gone. Apt is very small and majority of it was covered with furniture and a large area rug. We have no pets. We received a bill a week later, of $150 to clean the carpet. No details given. I called the leasing office and spoke to manager, and she investigated the matter with the carpet cleaning company and the maintenance employees. They determined that when we moved into the apartment, the carpet was 1 year old, and when we moved out two years later, we had slightly exceeded the wear and tear rule and that the carpet cleaning company had to do a "special treatment" in order to get rid of one stain. We disagree with this, considering that we cleaned that carpet for two days, had no pets, just 1 child under 2, and a small apt covered by mainly furniture. Can we dispute? Is this excessive? Help!




  1. If there is a stain on the carpet which you did not remove with your cleaning attempts, the management is within its rights to charge you to remove it.  That special treatment may have been 're dyeing' the carpet to cover the stain.

    FYI, a stain is not 'wear and tear'.  That's considered damage.

    $150 is within the range of cost involved with a re dyeing job.

  2. Did u take pics of the before and after?

    I know most people never think of this type of thing.. And did you get reciepts from the people that cleaned your carpet?

  3. I'm not sure what state you live in, but I was in a similar situation a couple of years ago. California has a website with a ton of info regarding tenants rights. From what I understand, the landlord is required to give you an itemized statement of the charges along with a receipt from the place of business that performed the cleaning. You can dispute. When I disputed with my previous landlord, I printed out the entire booklet and highlighted the info of the areas that were in dispute. I was able to negotiate with my landord and get most of my deposit back. They couldn't argue with the facts. Maybe your state, if not California, has a similar website. Hope this helps.

  4. In some places it is standard to do it even if the tenant says they have done it - a lot of places just don't trust that an individual will do a good enough job and require that a professional does it.

    They are with in their rights to require that.  It may not seem fair but it is legal.

  5. Not unless you have photos to prove the carpet didn't have stains, otherwise it's your word against theirs.  Besides, that's what your security deposit is for, they should deduct $150 from your deposit and refund the balance.

    Next time, photograph the unit BEFORE you move in and again when you move out.  Did you have a final walk thru inspection with the onsite manager?  That's the time you discuss items that they may charge you for, if they sign off on the form as everything is ok, then they cannot go back and charge you for it.  Besides they cannot charge for normal wear and tear.  Ask to see a photo of the stain, but to be honest you are just going to get into a pissing contest with a landlord and you'll lose.

    Pay the $150 and walk away and learn for next time

  6. I would def dispute this. That is BS and they are trying to get more money out of you. Don't back down from this one!

  7. not worth the fight!  The management office will have all of their backup and records of installing the carpet and the charges.  If you did not fill out a move in move out inspection form, you really dont have a leg to stand on. $150 is not that much.  In CA we dont let the tenant shampoo their own carpet, they have to hire a professional carpet cleaning company.  They are the professionals in removing red carpet stains and sanitizing. Red carpet stains are not normal wear and tear.    How would you feel if you were the one to move your child in a non sanitized carpet with red stains.  Carpet cost alot of money and for $150 on 3 yr old carpet you are getting off cheap!    Without pictures, your move in check sheet or any kinda of proof it a loosing battle.  Learn from you mistake and dont make it again.

  8. Tell them you do not owe them for a third carpet cleaning and that they will have to take you to court. Let them do the filing, so that the burden of proof will be on them. Take your receipts to court and repeat to the judge about your previous apartment. No single stain costs $150 to remove. Ask your carpet cleaning company what they would have charged to remove one stain, in addition to what they already charged you. (If they would have charged extra). Ask them if there were any stains they were unable to remove. ask them to please put this in writing for your use in court. This is utter highway robbery.

    P.S. You have a right to be present at any and all inspections.

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