
Movement of planaria similar to that of euglena or paramecium?

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explain if this is true or not and why please




  1. Movements of planaria are as follows:

        1.  Major movements:

            (a)  a smooth or gliding motion (thought to be accomplished by the rhythmic movement of

                 cilia on the animal's ventral or bottom surface.)

            (b) a "humping" or "inching" movement which is usually referred to as"amoeboid"

                   movement and is accomplished by muscular contractions. (This is noted mainly

                    when the planarian has been disturbed by its environment).

        2. Minor movements:

            (c) some "minor" movements as a brief lifting of the head, a sudden contraction of its

                    anterior or posterior end, a twitching of its auricles.

            (d) "specialized" movements involved in eating and reproductive activities.

            (e) when under serious stress, they roll over on their sides displaying a rhythmic

                    convulsive activity.

    The euglenoids can glide and swim using their flagella, or can ooze along a substrate with an undulating, shape-changing, contraction motion called metaboly.

    Paramecia move with the assistance of small hairs called cilia which project from all sides of its body. The single-celled organisms use these hairs like oars, beating them against the water to move around in pursuit of food and to avoid predators.

    Som planaria use cilia like paramecium.

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