
Movie Fans. If you could sit down with 3 actors and 3 actresses for a round table discussion who......?

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would you pick and why? It would be an open forum with a variety of topics.




  1. 1.  Edward Norton:  He's my favorite actor, and he seems like an amazing person.

    2.  Christian Bale:  Again--another -amazing- actor.

    3.  Kevin Spacey:  Not only is he a great actor, but he also has a sense of humor, and loves to do celebrity impressions.

    1.  Helena Bonham Carter:  My favorite actress--she's amazing at playing the crazies.

    2.  Cate Blanchett:  "I'm Not There".  That's all that needs to be said.

    3.  Abagail Breslin:  She's the best child actress I've seen in a long time, and she seems so sweet and normal.  I just want to tell her to stay that way.  And she was amazing in "Little Miss Sunshine".

    Oh, and I forgot Jon Stewart!  He'd -have- to be on my list.  I'd have to remove someone...Someone that isn't Ed Norton.

  2. 1. Michael Weatherly - he is cool

    2. Samuel L. Jackson - I loved him in Snakes on a plane!!

    3. Mark Harmon - NCIS rocks!!

    1. Kate Beckinsale - she is hot

    2. Meryl Streep - Best actress in the world

    3. Mischa Barton - she is also hot!

  3. Nicolas Cage he is so s**y and just a good actor of all times.Harrison Ford he has so many great movies love action Bette Midler she looks like me and her movies are great  

  4. robert de niro - greatest actor ever

    bruce campbell - funny guy, great in evil dead

    michael cera - he just cracks me up just sitting there

    scarlett johansson - hot

    cate blanchett - greatest actress in the world and very intelligent

    charlize theron - hot

  5. Lawrence Olivier

    Lawrence Fishburne

    Cary Grant

    Judy Garland

    Bette Davis

    Maryl Streep

    All of them because they each a reputation for wit,charm and outright bawdiness that would have you on the floor screaming with laughter

  6. Actors:

    Adam Sandler

    Owen Wilson

    Brad Pitt


    Jennifer Aniston

    Angelina Jolie

    Jessica Alba

    Aniston Jolie and Pitt would fight while Wilson and Sandler crack jokes. Leave Alba to me. :D

  7. Robert DeNiro He's fabulous

    Jack Nicholson for all the awesome movies that he's made

    George Clooney, caue he's so d**n good to look at okay and he can act!!!!

    Meryl Street = You need the best  

    Julia Roberts = just love  her

    Cate Blanchett = she just a great actress

    I wish it was more than three each but a good variety nonetheless

  8. 1. Johnny Depp - i think hes a really great actor and would love to meet him in person.

    2. Robert Downey Junior- he would be a really interesting person to talk to i think.

    3. John Cusack - he's just good in all his films and really funny.

    4. Helena Bonham Carter- because she's fantastic at acting especially crazy people and she's way better than all those stupid actresses that get paid millions just to be in stupid romcoms all the time.

    5. Cate Blanchett - just seems like a fantastic actress

    6. don't know

  9. Guys:

    1.Johnny Depp

    2. Seth Rogan

    3.Will Smith

    1. Keira Knightley

    2. Emma Watson

    3. Helen Bohem Carter

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