
Movie characters 10 points best answer?

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whats a good movie character to dress up as at a movie themed party?

10 points on offer.

you can give me more than one character too!




  1. batman!!!

  2. I have always thought Tom Cruise in Risky Business (collared shirt, jockey shorts and socks -sliding across the floor was always a good costume (for guys);

    For gals, Laura Croft for a Tomb Raider look -  

  3. If you wanna go with female characters, I would say try the Charlize Theron version of Aeon Flux or Kate Beckinsdale characters from either Underworld or Van Hellsing......

    If you count animated movies, Motoko Kusinagi from Ghost in the Shell

    otherwise, there's always Jessica Rabbit, any of the female characters from Kill Bill, or Charlize Theron (again) from Hancock...

    Scarlet Johansen from the Prestige also gets my vote

  4. Batgirl. haha you could always do a tom cruise in risky business thing and wear a long shirt, underwear (bathing suit bottoms) and high socks! or there is cat girl, Princess Leia, Snow White, Belle from Beauty & The Beast, Pippi Longstocking

  5. V for Vendetta

    The Crow


    Jack Sparrow

    King Leonidas from 300

  6. Lara Croft


    Hermione Granger

    Bellatrix Lestrange

    Morticia Addams


    Any of the Charlies Angels

    Anyone from Grease (poodle skirts are fun!)

  7. Cat Woman

    Poison Ivy

    Princess Leah


  8. Ironman....ok that's a little hard. One year I dressed up as Arwen from lotr. That would be an optioin. Maybe one of the Xmen like Phoenix or Storm. Maybe Elektra. U can go as a Jedi from SW. Or dress like Padme or Leia. (I hope I'm correct in assuming ur a girl.)

  9. Venom, Dragonfly, Batman(Don't get mad contributor that said Batman). More: Spider Man, Joker, Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi,Walle(It's for the kids!) Still want More? Sandman, New Goblin, GODZILLA!!!.

    If you don't want any on my list, Go to, find 2008's best movie sellers, and chose a character you like.

    P.S. You could try Big Foot.

  10. You can wear a Harley Quinn has something that makes it mysterious, sensual and innocent at the same time.

    A Marilyn Monroe costume it's another classic for any movie themed party.

    Oh I almost forgot...what about Lara Croft & Princess Leia...

    Let us know which one you choose!  

  11. uma thurman from kill bill

    with a samuri sword

    or angelina jolie from tomb raider

    Dorothy from wizard of oz

    the little girl from the ring

    audrey hepburn from breakfast at tiffanys

    edward scissorhands

    molly shannon from superstar

    the good or bad olivia newton john from grease

  12. LOL - dressing up as Jen or Kira from the Dark Crystal! (There's going to be a sequel next year, anyway!)

  13. Bonnie and Clyde

    Beetle Juice

    Marilyn Monroe

    My personal favorite - Mary Poppins

  14. Movies -Top Box Office 2008

    1.Tropic Thunder

    2.The House Bunny

    3.Death Race

    4.The Dark Knight

    5.Star Wars: The Clone Wars

      6.Pineapple Express


    8.Mamma Mia!

    9.The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor

    10.The Longshots

    You can watch online from And tell your friends

    Watch Tropic Thunder Online:

    Watch Death Race Online:

    Watch The Dark Knight Online:

    Watch Star Wars: The Clone Wars Online:

    Watch Pineapple Express Online:

  15. Someone from Cats

    Hunchback of Notre Dame is always fun

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