
Movies with Terrible Endings????

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I just got done watching The Painted Veil starring Edward Norton and am sooooo frustrated at the ending. Why does hollywood do this c**p??? Anyone else seen a decent movie with a bad ending lately?????




  1. Jeepers Creepers - the bad guy wins!

  2. ALot of people didn't like the ending of "The Mist". I thought it was pretty good. The ending of "30 Days of Night" sucked big time.

  3. 30 days of night

    sucked i cant think of any more right now

  4. Yeah today i just saw The Strangers and it was really good throughout the movie but then at the end it was kinda stupid because the girl is alive instead of dead. (its just stupid) they should come up with something better.

  5. Why hollywood do that? Because most of the time hollywood is run by people with no talent but big egos.

    Decent movie with bad ending: "23" (the movie was so cool but that ending was a junk and boring). "Signs" (I liked the movie but the end was so lame it made me laugh).

  6. hm...i know a lot but can't think of the names... i agree with the other person cloverfield was the worst ending ever. i didn't know that there'd be a second either though. umm... mrs doubtfire because the parents dont get back together so it was a bad ending but i guess it was more realistic. be kind rewind wasn't a good ending.

    I think cast away was a bad ending from what i remember.The Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King.

    The Descent i think had a really bad ending

  7. cloverfield

    until i found out there was going to be a 2nd one ahaha

    and another movie i think it's called 'behind these eyes' or 'behind her eyes' or something like that i just came out on dvd. it was good but i didn't understand the ending...

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