
Movies with good endings?

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as opposed to movies with bad endings?

i personally liked atonement. i thought the ending was perfect-i was in tears..




  1. titanic had a great ending at the end she died with pics of everything that her and jack ever talked about doing together instead of course she was alone and then she goes back to the titanic where jack is waiting on her after she dies. perfect ending.

  2. Pulp Fiction


    Fight Club


  3. yeah, Atonement!!!

    Fight Club

    Pulp fiction


    the sixth sense

    Primal Fear


    the talented mr. Ripley

    red dragon

    andre (true story)

    the departed

  4. I don't know how you classify 'bad endings,' ones which don't make sense? Are good ones happy ones? Im not sure having never seen Atonement.

    Personally, I think the Simpsons Movie has a good ending, good beats evil, their fixing up their lives, Homers learnt his lesson with the hammer, etc...

    I also like the ending of Johhnny English and Ace Ventura Pet Detective coz their funny. And I also rekon all the Die Hards have good endings, everyone is gonna be ok, bad guys caught etc...

    Bad endings-Cloverfield and I Am Legend don't really tie up the movie, just kinda leave it haging..... And I don't like the ending of Mission:Impossible2, 3 and Transformers, they have the cheesiest endings EVER. Not like a good cheesy, but groaning-like corny.

  5. Off the top of my head, Once and Before Sunset.

  6. Aah, someone mentioned Shawshank before me!  I recommend Stand By Me, then, as far as the ending; I don't cry much, but I did then.  Wonderfully done.

    As far as others... I really like the ending to Spirited Away, if you don't mind watching a Japanese animated film (it's generally called a kids' movie, but it's wholly enjoyable for teens and adults, too; I'm dead serious).

    I don't know if this'd count, but 12 Angry Men, too... excellent movie overall.

    I'll throw in Groundhog Day, too, just because it's funny, and the ending's sweet ~<3

    If you want a bitter-sweet, crying type ending... can't help you, sorry.

  7. fight club,

    american beauty,

    donnie darko.

  8. Fight Club


    The Sixth Sense


    The Devils Advoacte

    The Shawshank Redemption

    American Psycho

  9. im going to say fight club. but thats like the "obvious" great ending movie.

  10. rocky awesome ending the godfather (all of them) forestgump

  11. Hostel had one of the best revenge endings ever.

  12. I wouldnt really say 'good ending' but Stephen Kings The Mist has one of the strangest and most unexpected endings i have ever seen. I also love the end of The Notebook, a total chic flik but amazing at the same time, but i would advise you to have a box of tissue, i cryed the entire last half hour.

  13. i agree the ending was perfect. the way she was telling it thro the book she wrote and how she wanted to give them a happy ending even tho they died. its so sad that they died how they did but great twist at the end with her telling the story how she did. idk any other movies with that good of an ending but i like ending like from never back down and and the note book. always happy. but every now and then a good sad ending is good too. titanic's ending was pretty good too but not as good as atonment.

  14. Fight Club

    Death Proof

    Planet Terror

    Imagine Me and You

    Across the Universe


    Serial Mom

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