
Moving, toronto, vancouver or california?

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I live in hamilton ontario now

and i plan on moving out next year to a different city

or country

i was thinking toronto because its an hour away

vancouver i heard its realyl nice

or california its always been my dream their, but its really expensive

or maybe even new york

does anyone live in any of theses places or been to all 3

that can tell me which ones best




  1. vancouver is definately the best, california is too crowded, there is too much traffic and pollution, there are so many peopleliving there that they cant supply enough power so they have rolling blackouts where they have to turn peoples power off for an amount of time and everyone gets it because tehre isn't enough power supplied! it is terrible, except it is very nice on lake tahoe  which is in cali/nevada and i am almost positive they dont have rolling blackouts on the cali side and i know for a fact they dont on the nevada side

  2. California. Absolutely California. And well, do i need to say which city? Ofcourse, the best city in the world, the city of angeles, Los Angeles. You will love it there. Trust me you dont wanna come here in Vancouver its boring as heck.  

  3. As much as i love to visit the California sunshine.. I love love LOVE living in Vancouver..

    Reasons to love Vancouver.. its true you do get the best of both worlds you get a decent summer, where we are plentiful in beaches and activities.. also if the activity isn't exactly right in the heart of Vancouver it doesn't take too long to find it.. for instance surfing.. (its about 4 hours total to get to from the mainland to tofino) we also get an awesome winter where again we are plentiful in mountains so snowboarding and skiing is pretty minutes away.. and you're only a few hours away from some of the world's top resorts..

    we are also a multi-cultural city with tons of great night-life, restaurants.. and much more to see and do with aquariums, awesome shopping, playland/pne (an amusement park), great parks, etc..

    were also not too far away from the great US of A .. and i love heading down there for their awesome outlet malls and what not as well..

    Basically Vancouver has it all.. and really if you can't find it here you'll find it pretty close by.. Plus Vancouver it outstandingly beautiful being close to the water with the great city life mixed with wilderness and mountains what more could you ask??

    Also if you're looking for more affordable housing look in the surrounding areas such as burnaby and coquitlam or new west.. we are all tied together by skytrain which gets you downtown really quick as well..

    sites to check out.. (for the housing situation)

    I hope this helps.. and again as much as i love visiting california, vancouver is seriously the place to be.. also being canadian its a way easier move to vancouver then it would be to california

  4. Vancouver, i go there all the time its very pretty, at night it looms like L.A with all the high buildings i would defiantly say Vancouver! And it has all the same great shops as california!!  

  5. vancouver. you get the best of both worlds, ocean and mountains. you can't get that in toronto or california!

  6. Vancouver for sure it's so beautiful here. I have been to california and toronto and New York  tons of times and Vancouver by far is the nicest. I mean all those places are great but Vancouver in my opinion is the best. for so many reasons.

  7. If you want to visit Vancouver, you can check out this site:

    may be helpful

  8. Unless you are a US citizen, or have landed immigrant status, you cannot live and work in the US.

    Try Hamilton, It is close to home, if this is your first time moving out,

    If you are really adventurous, try Toronto.

    Don't go to Vancouver, too many people come from Ontario for a visit, and NEVER go home.

  9. california, its beautiful there. and you CAN find houses that aren't that expensive. also if you happen to have kids while your living there you can get a huge discount on them going to college. if you move there, i would suggest moving near huntington beach. its such a nice town with a beautiful beach!

  10. Yes Vancouver is good but not in the winter..... Way too much rain!!!!!!!!

    I would definitely go to California

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