
Moving 2 Spain is it a good idea?

by Guest59134  |  earlier

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I'm 17 and dont have a job but i have enough money to get 2 Spain what i wanna know is do you think it would be a good idea to move there by myself




  1. No. there are too many foreigners here already!


    Remember that according to Spanish law you are still a child and will require parental permission for everything.

  2. No, No, No  you are far too young and immature to survive alone in England never mind Spain, you are too easy prey for the predatory males who seek out 'young' fresh conquests for their own pleasure with no thought for their victims.

    No is the best answer you will get.

  3. Where u come from? Come to Spain is not a good idea.... Theres no work for Spanish, why u think theres for non Spanish? You know Spanish?? You arent in the legal age to do nothing in this country (here the legal age is 18, and if u arent in the legal age and get a job.... u have to work like a slave....)

    I think you must stay in your country wathever is... wait until your 18´s.

  4. It is never a good idea for anyone, no matter what there gender, to move to a new town alone, never mind a new country! I know we are encouraged to be adventurous, mainly by the media, but to be alone by it's very definition can lead to loneliness, which can lead to a person reaching out, to often the wrong people, leading to all kinds of mess, and sometimes tragedy! what worries me is at 17, where are your family & friends? You wont just walk into a job either, you could be a while finding one so you need savings! Take a Spanish language course, you will often meet, people from Spain studying English. They may invite you over to visit there homes, that way you will get to see the country, and get an idea if you like it! Most importantly you wont be alone, struggleing to communicate in a foreign language!

    Take care!!!

  5. its not a good idea to go alone and without a job if you had a job to go to and a place to stay that's a different story you are young and alone an easy Target for the wolves? sit down and plan ?also for work this is a bad time as the winter is upon us and the pensioners will be there in there droves to have there long winter break ,Try for a courier job hard work but you will have company and a good job that pays your wages?try Thompson's,get some brochures and the phone numbers are at the back don't go this way you don't want to end up in a ditch?take care

  6. I think moving to Spsain id s great idea BUT wait till you are 18 yrs old. learn the language at least something to get by and save some money, and then go for next spring and there you ll be more solid. good luck...

  7. I think it is a good idea! you are young and free, if you want to do it now there is nothing to stop you, right!! go with the flow and take some risks! I'm sure that if you go to a turistc area like Costa del Sol, Costa Brava and more similar places you won't have problem at all, as you won't even need to speak Spanish to get a job. Best of luck if at the end you decide to move!

  8. oh baby ,i feel for you ,i would not recommend just going on your own and winging it.why not look on the net at the tour operators sites ,look up the vacancy's ,at least you'd have some back up in place then..please think carefully before you do anything.spain is a lovely country im thinking of living there myself but not on my own and im just a tad older than you hehehehe...good luck ,i hope whatever you do it will turn out well.

  9. No..not a good idea. i have lived in spain for the past 11 years with my son..he has now gone back to the uk, because there is more help in the uk for him.( hes the same age) Get yourself a proffesion first..and do some research. would  also really recomend that you learn spanish first .Also..if you want a " proper " job  with a contract etc. the employers here quite often want you to have your graduate. and until you have reached 18 you are still a minor.

  10. A few years ago my cousin decided ,virtually on a whim, to pack just his duvet,clothes and photos,rang me -said Happy Christmas and Goodbye, caught a ferry to N.Spain and then drove down to the Javea area,stayed with a mate for Christmas and New Year and then bought a small flat near Benidorm and did a bit of bar work etc. to earn a little money .

    Now, he is a lot older than you and had money in the bank after a recent house sale ,did he ever regret it ? NO never -I would say, try to go with a friend-but go with your dream -you may regret it if you don't. Perhaps wait until your 18 and plan a bit.

    If after say,6 weeks everything's gone pear-shaped,remember you're only 2 hours from home -so buy an open return ticket -just in case. GOOD LUCK!

  11. Joanne.  I live in Spain (ex pat from the U.K.) I moved here with my husband almost 4 years ago.  I wouldn't suggest that you come to Spain alone.  It is not easy to find work unless you come to the coast where there are lots of bar/restaurant work, but at this time of the year things are starting to slow down with regard to the tourist trade, so even finding this type of work will become more difficult.  If you can speak Spanish then there will be more job opportunities, but again on the coastal resorts things tend to go very quiet October through to April.  Why not leave it until next summer, try to save a little more cash and then think about coming over with a friend during the summer season.  You will be more likely to find work and accommodation and you will have someone to share the living expenses with.  Don't dismiss the idea of coming to Spain altogether, just wait until the time is right.

  12. I moved to Spain from the UK. I had a job first though but I think you should definitely give it a try. It is the best decision I have ever made and I have lived here for 5 years.

    If you don't speak Spanish, you could start off in an area that is touristy and look for work as your English will benefit you there. Go for it! England will not disappear because you've moved. You can always go back if you don't like it.

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