
Moving 2 tijuana from north carolina! best way 2 find housing? Is there a nice residential part? 4 my family?

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Moving 2 tijuana from north carolina! best way 2 find housing? Is there a nice residential part? 4 my family?




  1. I wouldn't do that if I were you; tijuana is a very dirty, dangerous town.  My aunt was kidnapped there.

  2. THe previous answer is not right. Foreigners can buy property in Mexico through a trust (fideicomiso in Spanish). For sure there must be nice neighborhoods but be aware is not the nicest town in Mexico, is really a border town.

  3. Hello

    Like in all countries there's crime and other reasons not to become a tijuana resident. But there's also a nice side of this city, I do live here and I feel safe, I'm raising a family here, and I feel fine.

    There are different areas in Tijuana with different economic levels, the finest are Hipodromo, Cacho, Palmas. There are other well located not ti fine like Otay or Playas. If you are an american citizen you should contact the Consulate at Tijuana and ask advice from them.

    Good luck, and wellcome

  4. WOW! I never heard that before. Goo Luck, you'll need it..

  5. If you're not a mexican national, you can't purchase property, for one thing. So renting is your only option. Try google or something for rentals.

  6. uummm GOOD LUCK FINDING ONE!!..

    ahaha PARTY!!!...

  7. please tell us WHY you would move to tijuana!! People are acosted, kidnapped, and regularly assasinated. Are you thinking of a career in narcotics?

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