
Moving Don't Know How To Deal With This! ?

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my family is thinking and most likely to be moving. our house now is too big so we are moving in to a smaller house. i said yes I'll move to make my mom happy. so this is my first big move since i was 2 or 3, i was wondering what its like? and how do i tell my friends? and I'm not moving far 2 streets over and i will be going to the same school. so help me with telling me how to tell this to my friends and what its like to move. (No one knows only family) Thanks To You In Advance!

<3 (Love)





  1. You are lucky you will be going to the same school - nothing much is going to change - just your house! You should ask your parents to have a housewarming party and invite your friends to it so they can see your new pad!

  2. I&#039;ve moved soooo many times in my life I lost track. Moving can be really stressfull sometimes...u get really tired and u just want to be done packing. lol..telling ur friends will be a struggle but it&#039;ll all work out. for me I told them i was moving and it went ok. they were dissappointed though. since ur going to the same skool u will get to c them still. It&#039;ll all work out you&#039;ll c. just take it one step at a time.  

  3. talk  somebody

  4. You are so lucky to only be moving two streets over! I may have to move and i don&#039;t know what its like either! But I don&#039;t want to switch schools, because there arent that many available places where I live!

  5. Well nothing is going to change if you move 5 or 6 streets over

    Just basically Tell your friends that you have a new house at This address and they should be cool with it.

  6. wow! big deal, i mean, well i might sound mean, but ur just moving 2 streets over...u will still see ur friends, so whats the big d?...u can just bring it up in conversation ur name!! i mean, if thats ur real one =D

  7. Moving is hard work, even if you aren&#039;t moving far. Packing up stuff that has been in your house for xx amount of years and moving it all takes a lot of time and effort. Try to help out as much as possible with getting everything organized, your mom will need your help!

    Just tell your friends you&#039;re moving because your mom wants a smaller house since it&#039;s just the 2 of your or whatever. They&#039;ll understand and want to come help probably!  

  8. Well its not a big deal if you&#039;re only moving 2 streets!

  9. Since nothing much is changing in your life I have to think that you are a little embarrassed about moving to a smaller house.

    Don&#039;t be.  Parents have all kinds of reasons to downsize.  Sometimes they are having money problems but they may be thinking of putting more money away for your college expenses or thinking of ways to save for an around the world cruise when they retire in the future.

    Have your friends help you plan to decorate your new room.  Invite them to help you pack or unpack.

    Be kind to your parents and consider this an adventure!

  10. Tell them your new address and email them a google map with directions from the old house to the new house.

    This is not a big move as the only thing that will change is your address.

  11. You say you&#039;re moving 2 streets over.


    Are you serious?

  12. lol ur moving two streets over and going to the same school what is there to tell them &quot;guys im moving but just over 2 streets and im still going to the same school&quot; its not like your moving cross town you will still be near ur friends etc.

  13. You are not alone!  Don&#039;t worry about a thing!  You will be able to keep your friends and school, so don&#039;t sweat it.  To make things easier on you and your mom, I would slowly start packing less important things and label them very clearly that it is your bedroom things and list what is in the box.  Don&#039;t be afraid to get rid of things.  A new house will give you the opportunity to get rid of any things that remind you of bad memories or not so important things anymore.  You will be fine.  Don&#039;t sweat it, and don&#039;t be afraid to talk about your worries with your mom.  Hope all goes well.  I will keep you in my prayers.  I am sorry you have to move.  I have had to do that several times in my past and I know it is not easy!

  14. Just tell them. It&#039;s not like you&#039;re moving out of state or anything, so it shouldn&#039;t really be a big deal. Make sure they know you aren&#039;t going far, and you&#039;ll still be around. It&#039;s nothing really special, but I like it. You get to pick a new room and decorate it. Basically it&#039;s just like a big adventure :P I hope everything goes well for you.

  15. what the problem just tell them and give them the new address, and new phone #, its easy just tell the truth and all will be fine as for the new house you never moving its gonna take time to get us to but you will and you will have new memories, its all good you will be ok , be blessed  

  16. hey chillax i moved last year but it was a big move!!!! and it was to the cheesest state!! WISCONSIN!!!! so ur moving its not far same school same friends whats the big deal ??? just call up ur bfft and say hey guess what im moving and she will help u with the rest thats how i did it !! and now im here and i have great friends so trust me everyone will be cool about it  

  17. If you are not moving far then why are you worried. If you are moving just down the street its not a big deal, I moved to 4 different states in 2 years so its a lot harder. Just tell them you guys got tired of the big house and want a new better one and that is why you moved down the street. But it will be a little for you to get used to but its not a big deal its fun in a way.

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