
Moving House?!!!- i hate living at home!?

by  |  earlier

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Female 18 uk

This is a really complicated situation basically I live at home with my mum (which i hate) I really want to move out is this possible? I would want my own place or even a bedsit and I would want to move to a different town a couple of miles away. I was talking to her about this and she said you can’t move out because i get benefits for you living with me, this is making me feel like I am only alive to pay her benefits (i hate it)




  1. Yes you CAN move out. She only wants the money from your benefits, she seems to have no concern for your happiness. Go babe, and soon, and far far away from her. At 18 you can legally move away, so do it.

    And good luck.

  2. I don't know about the UK but in the US once you reach 18 your mother would not be entitled to any benifits unless somehow you are disabled. You are considered an adult. If you are able to make a living on  your own, your mother can not stop you.  

  3. You need a full time job that pays enough for rent,council tax,water,gas,electric etc ect ect

    Find a cheap bedsit or move out with a mate.

    it will be expensive but beneficial.

    im sorry but your mother needs to find a job asap.

  4. well if you can afford it i say move out!  your mom shouldnt have said that you couldnt move cause she gets benefits from you. that was wrong. and if things in the uk are how things are in the states, when youre 18 youre a legal adult and can make your own choices so i say go for it move out.

  5. is she getting benefits because your still in education?

    living on your own is no party, but, its wrong of her to use the benefits line on you. If you hate it so much, i would make sure you have the money aside to just do it... you'll need about £2000 + to start off with, prepaid rent and money ready for your first lot of bills, water rates, council tax, tv license etc.

    You would have to rent privatly as i cant see her writing the letter for the local council saying she is evicting you, this will be a lot harder on you should you fall behind with payments.

    Do you have a friend you can move in with instead? you could move in with them temp, they might even write a letter to say you cannot live there any longer and you might be eligable for a council flat through that.

    Hope it all works out for you.

  6. You are 18, so you are entitled to move out.

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