
Moving Violation (distracted driver citation)?

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I received a citation last week. I am a provisional driver and dont know what the punishment is or what to do. I was fully stopped at a stop light on MacArthur blvd and the cop came up to my window when i tried to turn off my ipod because i didn't want it to run out of battery. The ipod wasn't even plugged in to any headphones or the car so it was not possibly being used, in addition i was listening to the radio so there's no proof that i was listening to it. He took me to a side street and questioned me if it was a cell phone and when i explained it was an ipod he stiff gave me a citation. I don't know what to do from this point and don't want my parents to find out. Any suggestions?




  1. Since you are young and inexperienced why don't you try this novel approach? Try DRIVING when you are in the car. Leave the little electronics and gizmos alone!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are in control of the most dangerous weapon on our streets these days. Try respecting that fact!!!

  2. are you saying you were using an ipod while driving?  it sounds like you are in Oakland California.  I used to live there MacArthur Blvd.  the police officer may have thought your ipod was a cell phone.  why was it even in your car and in use?? anyways if you feel you are not at fault fight it in court.  Your parents are bound to find out.  So no sense in trying to hide it.  If you feel you are innocent try to fight it.  Its your driving record thats at stake

  3. Read the citation and see if you are required to make a court appearance or just pay a fine. Your parents will find out, probably through the Insurance company.

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