
Moving and my mother wants to put my dog to sleep...?

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My mom and bro and I are moving...we are getting evicted and must move asap. The new place doesnt allow dogs and I have 3 dogs. 2 we are sneaking in and the third we cant because she barks too much. We cant find anyone who can keep her for us. She is already 12 years old and very attached to us so we would want her to go in a cage in the shelter. We wouldn't want her to get depressed if she no longer sees us. My mom thinks we should put her to sleep even though she is healthy. What should I do? I don't want to support her in this. I don't know what else can be done. Any advice, please I am crying my eyes out and cant sleep. What should I do? I even think my dog senses that we are talking about this because she is watching us sadly.




  1. I think you need to take ALL 3 to the shelter. You guys are alreayd in breech of contract by moving the other two in. What is she gonna do when it comes to being evicted again or having to give the animals up? You will get caught with the other two and that is EXACTLY what it will come down to. They said no pets and they meant no pets.

    Your mother is a bad pet owner and worse yet a bad example for you and your brother.

    No vet will put down a healthy animal no matter WHAT your mother wants. Ask her if she wants a second eviction listing on her rental history this will also damage her credit. Either find a pet friendly place or get rid of all the animals.

    Josh - Once the Eviction day came and goes if they are not out all the landlord has to do is call the cops and they WILL be thrown out. h**l all the landlord really has to do is wait for them to leave if the animals are still there call animal control have them picked up and then lock and SEAL the door to the apt.

    My aunt rented out homes I know the eviction process very well. They have a date to be out by and must be out by it no ifs ands or butts.

  2. oh my goodness how sad!!

    idk i'm sorry  :(

  3. You're mom is a horrible person.  I'm sorry to say this about her but that is cruel.  Is the new place the only one in the world???  I doubt it.  She allowed you to have the pets and she is supposed to be teaching you about responsibility, but she's really teaching you that when you get a pet, you can just kill it since you don't know how to pay your bills.  That's messed up.  Tell her to find someplace else to move besides the pet-restricted place.  Just because you're getting evicted doesn't mean you can't stay a few more days, she will just have to pay more when she gets sued for the back rent.  Nobody can physically throw you out.  They will just keep posting stuff on the door.

  4. See if there is a Senior Rescue in your area that would foster her until she gets a home. In my area where I live there is a group that takes in Senior dogs and cats and re-homes them. If she is healthy - I would not put her down as even at 12 - she may still have 4 good years left. Could the vet help you in finding a home? I don't know where you are, but here are some links to help senior dogs and they break them down by state - maybe someone will help you.

    Good Luck  

  5. you have three options. find her another home. send her to the pound. or find another home for yourselves where she can come. putting her down because you are moving is gross. she's a living thing not some old jacket you don't wear and want to throw out because its inconvenient to carry.

  6. any friends who might want her??

  7. you really have to either find a new home for her, or you have to give her to a rescue agency, which is much better than a pound, but if they dont take her, give her to any adoption agency. i dont think that there should be any question of putting her to sleep, she is a living creature, not just a peice of meet. i am so so so sorry that i cant help more. i hope you figure something out.

  8. i don't think it is your choice to kill a dog..think about it. you are taking their life! why is it your choice? and what if she isn't depressed? i am sure a shelter knows what to do with dogs! do not kill that dog!

  9. Either get her a bark collar (no the best option, but it keeps her with you and prevents her from being euthanized) or give her up to a private rescue.  Private rescues are no-kill and usually have experience placing older dogs into loving homes.

  10. get a shock collar that activates when it barks.

    h**l im serious, beats dying

  11. okay. first off...your mother is setting a horrible example. showing her children to murder a supposedly beloved pet because it is "inconvenient" to keep it is absolutely disgusting.

    with that said, YES some vets WILL put down a healthy older dog. the owner just has to say that the pet is sick and sign the papers. i've seen it happen when i was at the vet for my dog's checkup. a "person" came in saying that his dog was old and he wanted to have her put down. the vet tech was extremely angry (i overheard her talking to the doctor and receptionist) because she felt that the dog was alot younger and probably perfectly healthy. but in the end, it's their dog. - i swear! i wanted to wait outside, follow that a**hole home and beat the living c**p out of him!  

    ask everyone you know if they want or know someone who would want to adopt her. but if you must, take her to a shelter. at least then she has a chance, a small chance, but it's better then certain death. and like one of the others on here said.....stop getting dogs! if you can't afford to support yourselves, how can you expect to take care of pets?

  12. so because you cant find a home ASAP your gonna kill your healthy loving dog??? your sick..

    there are such places called shelters...

  13. why don't you put an add in the newspaper.  

  14. No vet will put a healthy dog down. Surrender it to a shelter or rescue if you can't find anyone to take her. Unfortunately if you are sneaking two dogs into a place that no dogs are allowed, you might find yourselves facing another eviction in the future.

  15. Please call a rescue organization or no-kill shelter.  They will take your dog and attempt to find it a good home.  Please don't Kill your dog because you need to move!  That is criminal.  I know this is not your decision, but call someone to help you.  You can also talk with your vet.  Maybe they can help you find a home instead of participating in putting it down.  AND STOP GETTING DOGS!  No family should have 3 dogs and be in this situation!

  16. Get one of those electric collars that keep her from barking, since you're sneaking the dogs in, anyway.

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