
Moving betta from 20 gallon to 5 gallon?

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I have a male and female betta, along with 3 black skirt tetras in a 20 gallon tank. Im redoing the tank adding more fish, but want to remove the male betta. I feel really bad moving him from this roomy tank with lots of "friends".

Will being moved from a large tank with other fish depress him, or will he do better in a tank all to his own?




  1. Bettas dont need company.  They're like that crotchity old neighbor across the street who yells are everyone and puts up a big show but you know you can take him if you need to.

    He'll be fine by himself and might actually like not having to feel like he needs to watch his turf all the time.

    Edit: Bettas CAN be kept with other fish but it doesnt nesscarily mean they need to be or even like it.  Some will stress living in a community setup as they feel pressured by other fish intruding on their turf and go a little nuts try to keep watch over it.  Obviously this isnt all bettas but they certinely dont NEED company.

  2. If you are putting him in a 5 gallon you could still put a few (or 3) little Tetras (or something) in there (we have Danios, Glofish & Neons w/ours). And as long as the 5gal has heat & air & all that good stuff he should be just as active & should be okay. At least you aren't putting him in one of those little bowls so I have to compliment you on that! :)

  3. it will be just fine moving him to a 5 gallon tank, just make sure it's rectangular in shape which will give him more room to swim

    also put in live plants as well for him

    and betta's do enjoy company against everybody's believes here

    you could add 3 otocinclus in that tank as well if you want

  4. you should move him, it is not a good idea for him to be in the same tank with a female anyways. Bettas dont need friends.

  5. if he has been in their for a while then he might not be as active but if he is new then he would be ok.

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