
Moving files from one hard drive to another and getting cyclic redundancy check error?

by  |  earlier

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Excuse me if I sound like I don't know what I am talking about, because I am somewhat illiterate when it comes to computers. But, I used a flash drive to move some pictures from my laptop to my pc, which went fine. Now, I am trying to move the pictures from the main hard drive, which I think is C, to the hard drive we put pics on, which I think is F. Not every picture, but there are quite a few that won't copy because of a cyclic redundancy check. Is there any way I can shut that thing off? I know there isn't anything wrong with the pictures.




  1. This error usually pops up if you have a defective cd/dvd or Cd/dvd writer. But in your case it is certainly the hard disk. Its possible that there is a reading error in your hard disk due to bad sector or some other internal hardware failure. I also faced this same problem immediately after i dropped my external hard disk on a stair case. After that i could copy all kinds of files in the disk but could not copy them back to a different destination, the same as your case.

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