
Moving from virginia to dublin???anybody who lives in ireland out there???

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U.S.---Dublin, Ireland!

might attend trinity college there! i am applying and i fully intend to go there if i am accepted... it's my first choice college...anyway, i'm more clueless than you can imagine about dublin, let alone ireland...please give me any advice or info about life in ireland, weather, fashion, nightlife etc

... this question is probably easier for a ireland native to answer, but any info u have is GREATLY appreciated xox




  1. Hey there,

    Dublin is a great city (very much so for students). Trinity College is right in the middle of the City Centre and is easily walkable to all the pubs/clubs/sights. Temple Bar is around the corner (2min walk),also beside Grafton Street (major shopping area). The city centre itself is fairly compact and almost everything is beside you in the city.

    Ireland is a very expensive country, rents on accomadtions are also quite high (if you share with a few people you should be fine though), the cost of living is pretty high and most probably a lot higher than what you're used to in the States, however, that been said, you can budget and do things cheaply, there are cheap food stores such as Lidl ans Aldi and also Tesco can be quite cheap too. For socialising, A lot of clubs do student nights usually mid week and a lot of these student nights have cheap drink (well, cheaper than you'll pay regularly). I get fed up when I hear people going on about how expensive Dublin is and to give it a miss, I've lived here practically all my life and trust me you can do things cheaply here.

    In regards to fashion, just wear what you like, but just take into account a lot of pubs/clubs in town will have a dress code, usually this just means that you can't wear trainers (what you call Tennis shoes), and even at that it usually only applies to the real white glow in the dark kind of trainers, the more trendier trainer/shoe is widely acceptable.

    Weather: well we get a kind of schizophrenic mix, you could have all seasons in one day. Usually, we have mild winters and mild summers (we very rarely get extremes), we also get a lot of rain. The last few days have been pretty good bar yesterday when it rained on/off for most of the day, temps here were between 18c-20c/ 64F-68F.

    Nightlife is pretty good, you'll be near a pub wherever in Dublin you are, most of the clubs are in and around the city centre. I mentioned Temple Bar, this is an area in town which is full of pubs/clubs and restaurants, its pretty touristy but theres a great atmosphere in the area and there also a few pubs/clubs nearby that are less touristy.

    If you have any more questions, please ask and I'll do my best to answer them.

    Best of luck with the move.

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