
Moving my parakeet's cage every day??

by Guest61987  |  earlier

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I have a 4 year old budgie..where I live it gets really cold. We tend to use space heaters so we can keep the oil heat down. My question is, is it ok to keep my keet in the living room with us and then move his cage into the bedroom at night? The reason is so we can move the space heaters, and be sure he will be warm...Or, will this traumatize him??




  1. I move my parakeet almost every day.  My room is on the west side of the house, so it is kind of dark all day until late afternoon/evening.  Sometimes in the morning/early afternoon I'll put him in the room across the hall because it is much brighter.

    I also move him sometimes at night into the other room if he decides that lights out = play time and keeps me awake.  My bird seems perfectly happy and healthy...I don't think he minds being moved.

    Yours should be okay as long as it will still be getting human interaction in the other room.

  2. Please check out if the kind of space heaters you are using are safe for your parakeet! I was just reading that a few different kinds of space heaters can kill them. They have some teflon parts that can be dangerous for the birds. I just lost two little friends. I'm crushed and I don't want it to happen to anyone else.

  3. keep it in one place and one cage

  4. WARNING!!! Space heaters may contain teflon!  This is extremely toxic to birds.  If the space heater contains teflon and over heats it can kill your keet on the spot!  Otherwise in smaller doses the toxin can still make your budgie very sick and eventually kill him.  

    That being said.... as far as moving your budgie this shouldn't traumatize him.  Is he hand trained?  If he is you can consider getting him a sleep cage.  If your cage is large and if it is easier to keep it where it is in the living room, you can simply put a sleep cage in your room and have him sleep there.  

    Sleep cage: small cage, perch, swing, water, food.

    Hope this helps.  Budgies are such a joy... take care of yours... smiles.

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