
Moving on? Why do some do this?

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Why do some people move on without telling the other person it is over? I never understood that.

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  1. 1. They're cowards.

    2. They aren't concerned enough with the relationship in the first place if they aren't willing to give things a chance to rekindle, to fix problems, talk out arguments and make things right.

  2. Very good question, I have been a victim of the same type of behavior.  My rationale is that they think you are a "nice person."  But, for whatever reason, they do not feel that you are "the one" for them.  They don't want to hurt your feelings, but they don't want to be with you either.  So, they quietly move on.... knowing that you will figure it out.....  Not a nice move, but in the end, they didn't want to be the bad guy, and hurt your feelings, even though they do.....  

  3. Simple,

    for the reasons of having ur cake and eating it too.............

  4. it's because they're afraid to know the reactions of their partners. they just go and left. and yeah, they're cowards.

  5. Ummm to avoid hurting feelings.  

    Or not bold enuff like me to do it face to face.  

    No courage at all!  

    A waiste of their time.

    Like having more then 1 partner

    Do I keep going or you got my point??LOL!

  6. maybe it wasn't on in the beginning

    one time I dated a girl thrice, than dated another........

    I didn't know what i did wrong

  7. they are afraid to face that someone that gave them happiness same as bring them to h**l by so much getting hurt ...

    for me, it's good to move on than telling my husband it's over..

    I don't want him to see how miserable I am... after what happened!

    Maybe I'm a coward... But, I don't give him satisfaction by seeing me in my most miserable looks..

  8. I don't get it either. Why are those people so lazy, or maybe they are wussies who can't face the truth and just don't care what happens to the other person, just as long as they are happy where they are at, s***w whoever they are with. Or they think maybe it's better that they don't so they can be greedy and have both. Trying to protect a reputation for some reason, excuse to protect a child if there is one involved. It could be for any reasons which is all different in each cases.

    I dislike these kind of people. If a person wants to be with another person but is married or in a relationship, before even doing anything why not just end things first? Why behave so cowardly as to involve yourself with infidelity? Stop being greedy people and wasting people's time, ruining people's life, hurting people when you don't have to, if you want to move on freaking tell the person you are with!!!

  9. I think they're too chicken and are deceitful kinds of people.  If it's time to move on, then just be upfront and honest about it.  Don't play games.  They're too hurtful.

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