
Moving on to 9th grade how can I fit in and how could i survive?

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Im kind of nervous




  1. dont try to fit in.

    let people try to fit in with you

    make sure to make the most out of it cuz the year goes by FAST


  2. I guess this is your first year of high school? My advice is to just be yourself and find other like-minded people. It'll be easier than you think. I just found other kids who liked the same music as me or thought the same things as me and stuck with them. I mean, High School does suck but so does any type of school (college is much better!), but most people survive and get through it!

  3. Personally i think dont try to be "differen" or "strange"

    like emo or whatevr just be normal and yourself, dont fall into the strange crouds . it will haunt you .

  4. hahaha i felt the same way when i was going into 9th grade last year but its actually not bad

    just stay calm because in reality everyone there will be just as nervous plus you'll gain new friends

  5. yo you got a real problem there and you should see if any of your friends are going to the same school!!

    you know what what you really have to worry about is the following!!!

    you don't have to worry about anything and if you want to be popular do this!!!!

    dress cool and wear the things you like a lot, like your favorite shirt and your favorite shoes and when you see the cool kids:

    stand tall, look away then look at them when they are really close to you but just look don't say anything that will make them think that you are one of them because they don't know the real you and if you keep on answering all their questions correctly and simply they won't find out who you really are!!!

    ok but if you want to be really cool be ur self and if you want to get in the cool group for sure discover what they are like first and if you guys have a lot in common let the real person out !!!

  6. Well. I just finished the ninth grade, I'm going into tenth. Yeah. I'm not going to lie. It was pressuring. It wasn't so easy, moving into the big-dog world and all. But, honestly. If you try to be someone else when you go to high school, you're not going to be able to keep up. Grades always come first, and if you're always trying to please the crowd, you won't be able to ocus on things as well. Plus, if you venture out of who you really are, and try to be someone you're not, then your friends aren't going to mean much to you. Trust me, I tried it. And me and my friends weren't very close. We would talk in school like we were, hug and kiss each other like we were, go to the movies like we were, but it was all superficial. Eventually, I realized I wasn't happy with being a plastic version of myself and I gave up. I just went out and said, "What up!? This is the real me, and I you don't like it, then There's the door, ******." And you know what? Everything got so much easier. I didn't have to hide my natural impulses, and I actually made some really good friends. Friends who understand me and are JUST like me. I find that I'm laods happier where I am now, and I wouldn't ever have it any other way. No trying to sound clique, or anything, but it is truly best to be whoever you are. Whatever you are.

  7. Well, I just graduated from high school this month and I have to say, just be yourself. Everyone fits in somewhere and there are always people who have interests similar to yours.

    If your new to the area and dont have many friends, then talk and get to know people in your class. Chances are, the person you are sitting next to in your very first class is a possible friend. But choose your friends wisely. Chances are, if you hang out with people who smoke, you will start to smoke yourself.

    I could go on, but you will get it when you go to high school. Everything will just click, and you will wonder why you were so nervous in the first place.

  8. First off look at all the elective course you can take. Join clubs such as drama, chess, debate, etc... Make friends, not enemies. Don't do drugs just because. Be kind and just remember, everyone there had to go thru the 9th grade. Good Luck Fish!

  9. Be cool... Be yourself... Hopefully yourself is a nice Person. But don't put up with anyones ****... Sometimes (depending on the school)... It can feel like a prison.. Well i only assume this.. Sorry never been to prison.... But you seem nice.. Good Luck and don't think about it too much... Or you could go with plan b and kick the living h**l out of someone on your first day... LOL

  10. Instead of filling your thoughts with how bad it could be try to focus on all the fun you will have. You will meet all kinds of interesting people, you will get to pick all your classes, you will be free to do what you want way more then in junior high.

  11. That was last year for me.There is a place for everyone so you can be yourself. Just keep with the friends you have the first couple weeks. No matter what you think you WILL make friends! Highschool will be the best time of your life so enjoy it and have fun! Don't shy away, be the girl to go up to everyone and you will make so many firends! Good luck. Go get em' girl!

  12. i know u hear this all the time, but it's the best advice...............BE YOURSELF......that's it. and just be nice to people, talk.....that's it.

  13. I'm in 9th going to 10th grade it's easy, takes abit to get use to but for me it's way better now.  You have to be yourself, you get to meet much more people just be careful about what you say and do because stuff gets around quickly  your never safe at highschool lol well just stick with friends and you will do fine :)

  14. the key is to not try to fit in, the kids who try too hard are SUCH wanna bes. just be yourself, and you are bound to find friends, and good friends, not fake ones which you will find if you arent yourself

  15. Don't be.  It seems daunting but just be yourself and you'll find your place.  Join clubs and stuff to meet new people.  If your friends are moving on with you you have nothing to fear.

  16. lol theres nothing to be nervous about, and theres no real "fitting in" in high school, everyones got their own little clicks. you will be fine. just have friends

  17. Be yourself.  People who make fun of you for being anything other than yourself do not deserve the time of day.

    IMO  the people who are constantly trying to fit in and closely following the new fads are the real losers.

  18. im a senior this fit in..

    dont be yourself.

    dont be mean[unless you have to] nice

    dont be in independent.

    get good grades.

    dont be pressured..know your limit.

    defently dont talk ****! comes back to you.

    no matter what your gonna be looked down on just  becuase your a not being mean,, but just be yourself and you will survive. trust me, ive been there!

    just enjoy it, dont s***w it up, make lots of friends!!


  19. Well, it isn't really any differant than any other grade, you have the same friends, you have the same amount of classes and homework, it is just differnt classrooms! Just think of it as if you are going into a new semester or w/e and not a new school year. I don't know if you are going to a different school or not, like going from jr high to high school, but it will still be the same! And remember, the school isn't really that much bigger. Remember how nervous you were when you went from elementary to jr high? and how it really wasn't that big of a deal? well it is the same consept. You will do fine! and besides, if your nervous, you always have at least one friend you can rely on to be there with you and support you in any of your needs!

  20. Definately be yourself, dont be worried about fitting in, this can make you friends with the wrong kind of people and get into bad stuff.

    Be nice, and be you, thats what will make your highschool experience the best when you look back on it.

    Dont listen to some of the morons who are suggesting you make these bad choices... ie smoking! (DUMB) and also, you will NOT end up on the street corner.... they are messing with you. Be yourself, you will do just fine. 9th grade is the hardest because you are scared, just remember, everyone else is too, even if it doesnt seem like it

  21. Just be yourself and wait till people come to you, do what you need to do and you'll fit in fine. Dont worry about fitting in being youself is everyones best quality's. Im about to go to 9th aswell and i got some advice such as this.

  22. Try not to be! You need to enjoy your High School years! It is over before you know it and you can NEVER g back to those years. I don't know about everyone else but some of the best and worst time happened in my high school years. Remember though, you loose track of a lot of people so make lasting friendships. Never talk bad about anyone no matter what! Keep your grace and keep your wits about you. It is like prison or it can be a great place if you make it that way by your actions. Leaving the 8th grade I don't have to tell you that people talk. So don't give them a reason to talk. Keep your friends close and your enemies far out of your mind. Don't let nobody intimidate you! Someone mess with you, you hold your ground, if you followed the rules above you don't have this particular problem. Unless that person is a hater then you need to let a hater hate! Don't believe a thing a boy tells you not even best guy friends! I am 25 and I KNOW WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT!!! >:( Listen to someone who has seen it and lived it before! Follow these rules and you will work out fine!

    Good luck and CONGRATS on making it to HIGH SCHOOL!!!

  23. you can either view 9th grade as a fresh start, or a new place to be with the same friends

    in the past 2 years since 8th grade i have changed ALOT... people in middle school didnt like me much, they thought i was weird, so i started fresh. i found friends who i fit in with better. high schools are usually bigger in population, so there are alot more options.

    i noticed in middle school that clicks were prominent (amazingly), but in high school (or atleast mine) you can be friends with anyone. im friends with jocks, foot fairies, goths, emos, prepps, and every thing in between.

    just remember not to be afraid, and keep ur head up, and not to come on to anyone too strong.

    take advantage of the situation

  24. you'll be fine.  Just get really involved.  if you do don't sports join clubs or stucco.  you will meet people so fast you won't know what hit you.  high school is nothing like the movies or t.v. everybody is extremely nice.  you won't get left out, just be outgoing  don't worry about it.

  25. just be yourself and don't act s****.. just be politee but don't fall into a loser. just relax, it will most likely be similar to eighth grade.

  26. join clubs.

    and be friendly, but not too friendly..

    you dont want be people takin advantage of yu..

    you'll get used it after the first week, i promise !


  27. Don't worry too much about fitting in. Find some people who are like you and you will have a MUCH better time. Be kind, be yourself, and people will recognize a kindred spirit. If not, they will at least recognize the respect you give others. Good guys/girls aren't always the most popular people, but it is hard to dislike them.

  28. Shay Shay Shay! Let me answer please!


    Calm down. Relax.

    Stay organized for 9th grade. Please. Stay Organized. #1 rule.

    Second- Stop looking for friends, they will come naturally.

    3. Don't fall into the wrong crowd. True friends will love you for who you are.

    4. Get good binders and say organized.

    5. Do well the first two marking periods and keep on shooting for better!

    6. Don't try to dress well or fit in. Feel comfortable and feel loved. Don't be what others want you to be, don't be who you want to be, just be yourself!

    7. Don't compare yourself with other girls and get caught up with the drama. This is especially important for women.

    8. Get in touch with the teachers. They will get you very far.

    9. Be kind and respectful towards everyone!

    10. Join clubs! This is where you can meet friends.

    11. Keep an open mind. You'll meet so many interesting people! Even people you dislike!

    12. Keep organized.

    13. Don't fall into the wrong crowd.

    14. Don't get a crush. He'll mess you up. You need to have a good freshman year.

    15. Protect yourself and love yourself.

    16. Stay and individual.

  29. It really isnt that hard. Thats what I thought was going to happen, but you will have your friends without to help you survive. And try joining different clubs and groups to get to know the 10th graders and upperclassman. Plus the upperclassman arent as mean as they are made out to be[some can be, dont get me wrong] but they can be really nice. If you get lost or confused, ask someone who you think can help.

  30. Well, I did ninth grade last year. If you are moving on from Jr. High and not moving, then chances are you will still have some of your friends to hang around. A lot of people feel nervous and worried, it's not just you.

    I don't know how much hazing goes on at your school. If it's all funny stuff (like nothing serious), then don't go through too much trouble to avoid it. My first day of high school, the seniors raided our building and stuck a bunch of name tags on us saying "frosh" and "4 more years" and made us wear t-shirts with "I love (senior boy's name)". I avoided most of it, and I didn't get tagged with anything at all.

    If you REALLY want to avoid hazing, you can always make something up like "I'm a sophomore, I'm just new" or avoid where the seniors hang out (they all hang out on the center of campus at my school) for the first few days. Chances are the seniors that harass you will be the ones that you already sort of know. It's not really that big of a deal if you get hazed/harassed though. At my school, it goes away in the first week. At some other schools, it could go on all year, but it builds character ;).

    You will survive, because all of your little freshmen friends will survive. The people that you hung out with in Jr. High are going to be in high school with you. That invisible barrier between the classes begins to come down in high school. You can hang around sophomores, and it's NOT the same as a 7th grader hanging around some 8th graders. This means that it is easier to find good friends, since the pool is generally wider (and chances are you are moving to a bigger school). Get to know new people. Go to football games. If you play a fall sport, that's a great way to get involved and make friends with people outside of your class. I run cross country and that definitly made the transition to high school easier.

    For me, the summer before freshmen year I really "found myself". As for what people say about not getting caught up in the crowd, you can do whatever you want-- it may or may not affect your grades. Just because you get good grades doesn't mean your a dork. Don't act like a dork and you won't be one. I mean, I made straight-A's and did weed a few times. Have fun, because this is the year you can probably get away with c**p like that and it won't mess you up as much as you think it will. Keep friends, but make new connections.

    As far as getting good grades goes, do REALLY well the first couple weeks of the semester. Those first few weeks can make you or break you. These grades actually count for college. Colleges will see if you got a C in freshmen English. If you start out with low grades, then you spend the whole semester trying to pull it up. If you have a high A at the beginning of the semester, you'll spend the rest of the semester trying to maintain it. If you do maintain it (you probably won't), you come out with a high A, if you don't then you'll still probably pull off an A. Study when you need to, but don't take yourself too seriously.

    If you get a boyfriend, just know that he can be a HUGE distraction. I had my first boyfriend at the beginning of freshmen year and it was more stressful and dramatic than it needed to be. If you are going to get into that game, realize that some older guys may just want to use you. Some upperclassmen compete with each other to see how many frosh girls they can sleep with. If you are going to date an upperclassmen, use good discretion.

  31. Establish a great group of friends early, take classes that interest you but don't be afraid to change it up later, and don't do anything you will regret when you have to apply to colleges!  Have fun and good luck!

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