
Moving on to college...high school was overrated!?

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I'm leaving for college on Wed. and was wondering what people reallyyyy wear to class! I've heard from people that eventually girls just get up and put on sweats to go to class, but at orientation all it looked like was girls trying to dress cute in skirts and dresses to impress guys or whoever, even walking miles around campus each day!

People who have been there and done that in COLLEGE-do girls eventually quit the whole high school bs of trying to impress or show off to others and just dress how they want to? That's what I thought it was all about! I see so many girls on here talking about moving on to high school and how big of a deal the whole first day of school thing is. I'm so over that and was just wondering--are college girls over that high school bs? Not saying I wear sweats everyday- I am more of a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl with a sense of style that isn't over the top and exaggerated. =)




  1. Not really, at least not for the first month or so. Then things start to change - for most new students in college. Some never change.But those amount to a small fraction of all students. If you are living on campus at a large University, you will see people from all walks of life. Not so much with a small town college, though. And yes, the dress to impress mode begins to die down after a short time. I mean, it kind of looks odd when most of the other students are all dressed casual, and other people are dressed to impress, like in high school. Just give the new students a few weekends of being on their own, making their own decisions, and some all night partying and you will see some quick changes in people whom you thought would never change, lol! Sometimes, it's for the good. But, others go straight downhill, and eventually flunk out of school altogether. Not really many, but I've seen it happen enough to know about it.

    Best thing for you is to be yourself - always, and try to make some good friends at school. Your first impression counts for a real lot in college, so make it a good one. It's OK to have a mix of friends - those that party a lot, and those that study a lot and get good grades, but try your best to not let anyone influence you in the wrong direction. Peer pressure can be overwhelming in college. Don't succumb to negative peer pressure. Know your limits, and don't do anything stupid which would ruin your hard earned reputation by, say, going to a frat party and getting a bit too  drunk - and 'wild.' Anything stupid you did at the party WILL be all over campus before you even hit your first class the next morning. That sort of news has a habit of traveling with the speed of light. Trust me. Girls reputations can be totally trashed in a blink of an eye. Don't let that happen to you.

    Best wishes!

    Edit: Just a suggestion. But if I were you, I would major in Business, and forget the courses in fashion merchandising. Instead, take advanced business electives.   I hate to burst your bubble, but people with degrees in fashion merchandising, psychology, music, and other 'easy' majors like them don't tend to go very far in life. Yes, some of them become famous. A tiny fraction of them. If you want to gain employment in a well paying career with a promising future, then start off on the right foot, and sign up for a major which will give you an opportunity to get your foot in the door of a good company, with good benefits, and the chance to advance yourself within the company through promotions. Most companies don't look at these kind of majors very favorably. They give an interviewer the impression of a slacker who just took the easy way to a four year degree. Sad, but usually true - in most cases. And most of all, get not good, but excellent grade point averages - every semester. Very important if you want to go places in life.  Hard work can, and usually will pay off for those who perform with the best of their abilities for the entire four years you are at school. The rest of your professional work life is at stake here. Make the most of it. If not, then don't even bother wasting the time and money to go to college to begin with.

    Just my opinion, and nothing more. Take it for what its worth...

  2. my sister said that in college u could tell who a freshman is because they would dress up thinkin that they had to look cute but that was not the case! she said after they figured out that no one cares those same girls would dress up in pajama pant to class! it honestly is not a very big deal.

  3. Well, my two close friends, which are in college, wear:

    Jeans, capris, dresses (from express, etc, $150 dresses).

    You wear what makes you comfortable.

    Remember, college has about 10000-30000 people attending and nobody would care how you look.

    Girls do mature in college.  Remember, only smart people go off to college and the "s***s" stay behind.

    Wear jeans and t-shirts.... no one said that can't be cute.  You'll learn your college fashion while you attend and make new friends.  Hope you live ON campus!!!!!

    Have fun!

    -No drugs! Lol.... Beer, etc is fine. (If you get caught, say goodbye to college!)


    I'm curious, what are you majoring in?


    Lol, that's not good.  They jab you in the behind with a pitchfork till you go.  I built my own sofa-fridge and hid all my goodies in there.  And wow, smart girl!!  I heard those Business classes are very hard and well worth it.  I'll take it as, you will open up your own fashion business one day.  $$$$!! Lol

    And I agree with the guy below me.  If you take Business classes, you'll have something to "fall back on" if your future in the fashion career doesn't work out.

    Good luck!

  4. I go to one of the biggest Universities in the United States. We have over 40,000 students.

    In my experience, no one dresses up JUST to go to class. But, as I've realized, many students do things before and after class. Some come in their work uniforms, some come in suits from job interviews, some come in gym clothes, some in pajamas, and some dressed for dates. You're going to find an even mix. What you probably won't find, though, is a bunch of people who give a c**p about what other people are wearing. Truly, you are in college to learn and majority of the people there will be too concerned with work, school, internships, and paying bills to give another bother to what people around them are wearing.

    So, no, it's really not like high school (thank God)

    And definitely major in Business and Marketing. I'm an Advertising/Marketing major and the possibilities are huge when it comes to internships, but it really is hard work. You can coast through it, but in the end your portfolio will reflect that.

    Fashion merchandising is a necessary job class, but not something a lot of people get to do.  

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