
Moving out at 18 without father's approval?

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In December, I plan on moving out to live with my fiance.

Note: I do not need your criticism nor your advice.

Her parents I've alread talked to and have a free room availabe for me to stay, free of charge. Of course I'll being moving out with plenty of money in my pocket for a car and an obligation to reimburse them for utilities I consume, until me and her save up for our own apartment. Anyway that being said, my father is ABSOLUTLY against me going, my mother is not. I mean he really really doesn't want me to go. Which makes it hard, but, it's not like I'm leaving for good, I'll always visit.

My question to you, is there anything LEGALLY he can do to prevent me from leaving or keep me in his home, when I turn 18?

Aside from making it difficult for me by not supporting me in anyway, I don't require him to, in order to do this move. I have no need of his assistance, as nice as it would be, it's not needed.

So what could he possibly do (aside from breaking my legs etc lol)?





  1. There is nothing he could do to stop you. You'll be an adult, free to make bad choices like all adults. Don't burn bridges.

  2. 18 is the magic number for everything except drinking alcohol!  You are good to go!  Luck!

  3. Nope, All he can do is s***w with your head by saying or doing things Really stupid.

    That is my answer.

  4. Absolutely nothing....Good luck!

  5. At 18 you are considered an adult by law. In saying that it does not make you an adult in your fathers eyes probably because there are other issues you have not mentioned. I can understand both points of views because I was on my own at 17 and now am a Father of Four.

    I think it would be best to speak with your Father again and understand his point of view because he is speaking from experience and Love. However, the choice is yours and don't complain when you need a helping hand and he don't give in because he is just teaching you a lesson. Good Luck and remember The grass is not always greener on the other side of the hill.

  6. Legally, nothing. At 18 you are considered an adult. If the tables were turned, he could legally kick you out at age 18. So there is nothing he can legally do.

  7. Just as he has no legal obligation to support you once you turn 18, you have no legal obligation to stay under his roof.  At 18 you are a legal adult.  I'm sure that your father is merely trying to help you with his advice.  Keep that attempt at help in mind, no matter how much you might disagree with him.  You don't have to take his advice, of course, but people (especially parents!) do appreciate being heard.  

    Good luck to you and your fiancee!

  8. nooooope he cant do anything :)

    so go live your life,


  9. He can't do absolutely nothing.  If you are 18 years old you are an adult and he can't force you to not move.  But it swings both ways once you move out of his house and if you run into problems he isn't obligated to help you in anyway shape or form  

  10. Listen to your father.

  11. In the United States of America? Not a d**n thing.

    In fact, if he harasses you or threatens you after the move, you can get a restraining order. Once you're 18 he has just as much legal authority over you as I do.

  12. Legally, nothing at all.  But if you drive a car that he bought, he doesn't have to let you keep it once you leave.  If he has money saved up for your college education, he doesn't have to give you the money OR pay for college.  And, once you move out, he doesn't have to let you come home if you and your gf break up.  That's about it.  

    Why would you want to ruin your relationship with your father, especially over a teenage girl?  All of us here have been teenagers.  We understand what you're thinking better than you understand it.  I just hate to see you move out just to spite him, which is what it sounds like you're doing, even though you're still in school and can't support yourself.  

    Come back in 18 years and let us know how you feel when your own son moves out the day he turns 18 just to live with a teenage girl.

  13. No and good luck, hope you have a happy life!;-)

    Kind regards


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