
Moving out of America?

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Seems so easy for people moving in and making strides! How about moving out? Seems better in other countries, and don't give me the bull that it's not!!! I KNOW it is better in Europe and Canada! How to go about moving there, what is needed (skills, trade, language, etc.). We're free, blah blah....don't need that. Not true. Other countries have it SO much better! How do I go about getting over the other care, schools, safety....want my kids to have a better life?!




  1. i live in the uk and it is realy easy to emmigrate and the council where u r staying gives u money to live here

    pls answer this question;...

  2. I hope you move out and eat your words.  I know someone else who believe the same as you and now is back in America now appreciates America.

  3. As AA tells people...You're on the right track to get there. Believing it.

  4. I actually agree with you.  Do you know in France after a woman has a baby (and she doesn't have to be making and certain income) she will have a "maid" come in and take care of her, her baby and the house.  They will also still pay you when you are out and not just for two weeks.  The health care is so much better in England, France and Canada.  My husband who is British, had a circumcision at the age of 23 with no cost and it wasn't medically necessary, of course he had to wait a week while others were having heart but he did get in there.  That's the thing if you only ha a boo boo you'll have to wait but if it's life or death you will be seen and not pay a penny.  I was in a car accident not my fault and I was charged $600 for an ambulance to pick me up because I was really injured. In England that would not happen you would be picked up but not charged.  We will be moving there within the year, I have a disabled child and can not afford all the care that is needed for her, it's about $1000 per month out of pocket and that's not including doc visits and surgeries. I am in debt over 5 million dollars from all her surgeries.  It's a shame a country that is suppose to be this good lets it's people suffer. I've tryed to get help and everyone just tells me we make too much money

    Oh someone mentioned taxes oh yes with my experience with my husband his taxes were no more in England than they are here.

    Some things in england (for example) may be a bit more exspensive ie gas.  But with my experience the food prices are the same and the wages are better.  My husband is doing the same type of job here as he was in England he was making three times as much in england so there are always pros with the cons.

    Here in "wonderful" america, the immigration has made us pay 3 times for a work permit for my husband they have made us wait for 6 months to get one.  They tell your not allowed to go on welfare but then they don't want to give you the work visa to work. makes no sense.  If I go to england I will be able to do all of that and it will be approved within a week.

  5. There is no such thing as free health care and other benefits. The citizens of those countries pay through taxes that are on average 30% higher than the US.

    I too thought the grass was greener and lived in two european countries a few years ago. Unless you speak another language fluently you will be limited to English speaking countries. It is one thing to be a tourist and have natives accomodate you, but that disappears once you are a resident.

    Since the EU europe is flooded with immigrants and in some ways the damage is much worse than the US. Countries that joined the EU lost most of their ability to make their own laws and are now forced to accept and support through taxes the uneducated and unskilled.

    Gemany was one of the most expensive countries of all. For example a salad that you can buy at Bennigans for $9.95 is $23.00. Gas was $9 per gallon and is rationed.

    Europeans constantly asked me how they could move to the US the whole time I livied there.

  6. Hey Good luck! Dont forget to leave your SSN on the dresser and dont let the door hit you on the way out!

  7. How do you plan to move to another country----you can't just move because you "want" to.  Do you plan to qualify as a skilled worker?  Do you have family members in the other country who are willing to sponsor you?  If you don't it will be next to impossible to emigrate.  

    You see, it is a trade off---what do you have to offer the other country?

    I am an American and I live in Canada (married to aCanadian).  Let me tell you, while Canada is beautiful and a wonderful place to live, healthcare is not FREE.  We are taxed a lot here.  Also, my husband has a supplement coverage through his job and we PAY for that (although it is cheaper than in the US).  I have been waiting nearly 2 months now to see a neurosurgeon and they haven't even called me yet to book an appointment.  You usually have to wait a long time to see a specialist. The healthcare is good, I am not complaining, but it really sounds like you need to get your facts straight.  It is not SO much better.

  8. Every country is different. You will have to check out the individual immigration websites. The good thing is- it's easier to get into many countries if you're American. The best way (in most cases) to be accepted is to get a job before filling out the application. So start looking on job sites for the countries that you're interested in.

    I am American and have lived abroad for 3 years. I thought it would be better as well. It isn't. The cost of living is quite high, pay is lower for professional positions, and the standard of living is MUCH lower. The quality of socialized health care is pathetic. I teach at a university, and the education level of my students now are noticeably lower than that of the American students I taught previously. So the idea that your kids will have a better life will not likely be the reality. I mean, people put their lives in danger every day to get to the U.S. for a reason.

    Do what you want, but don't be naive. I was, and now I can't wait to get back to the U.S.
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