
Moving to Brazil...?

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I have two kids (ages 3 and 6 months) and a husband whose into the information technology field. What's a good place to live with great schools (with soccer), beaches, low crime rate, safe and modern day houses?




  1. lol, you have alot to learn my friend...dont expect  Brasil to be a vacation spot with no crime anywhere, no robberies, no favelas, no drug dealers.if i was in your place, i would raise my kids where you are (assumingly, America). knowledge is an important thing. dont you know brasil along with south and central america are 3rd world countries ? and that the favelas are just as dangerous as warzones in iraq ? please get to know the facts before you choose

  2. South of Brazil is the best for you.

    My suggestion is Joinville - Santa Catarina.

  3. I think Bahia is a great place for what your looking for. But like anywhere in the world, every place you go will have it's good and it's bad. I would suggest you go for a visit first and then decided if that's the right place for you and yoru family.

  4. You should choose a location in South Brazil, it's the best region to live in the country.

  5. I loved Florianopolis when I was there, so I'm biased! :D It's also in Santa Catarina, it's an island with tons of beaches, safe, warm, good schools, lots to do.
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