
Moving to Denver from sealevel and want to know how it will effect my running.?

by  |  earlier

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I run a 20 min 15 sec 3 mile every day and when I move to Denver will I beable to still have the same times from the start, how long will it take me to get those same numbers in denver?




  1. i cant tell ya sorry

  2. You will have to run further to reach the beach.

  3. i would say for a 3 mile run you probably will be effected by around 20 seconds (you pushing really hard) at most (more if you half give up)

    but yea after a while you get better conditioned, there will be more pain that usual due to the lessened amounts of oxygen to your body, but that will get better if you bear with it and not despair because you couldnt get the same time

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