
Moving to Dublin (UCD)?

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I am moving to Ireland in September to study at ucd in Dublin. I am moving from england (London). I'm so excited however am a bit worried that there will be a huge culture shock. I have traveled to Ireland before but i know it will be a totally different experiance to live there.

If anyone that has been in the similer position can provide any advise that would be great.

thanks x




  1. There won't be too great a culture shock. Dublin is the most English in feel of the Irish cities, for all that it's the capital of the Irish Republic.

    UCD is great ... I studied there, but it is very different to how it was in the 1980s.

  2. hi you

    you will be fine and it wont be the culture shock your thinking it will be there will be the odd differences that you may see but nothing to worry about cork and Dublin are like any major city in the the world like London and the risks i wish you luck in your stay over here

  3. You should come to Cork..!! well better..;)


  4. I've gone the other way (ie. Dublin to a UK university)! You will have a great time since you're obviously clever enough to find out information before your arrive. The two golden rules of Irish friendship are "avoid talking religion and politics", unless someone else brings the subject up.

    You will find many cultural differences but they're not going to greatly affect your life. For example, Irish people tend to keep later hours than British people - I suppose the national average bedtime in Ireland is around 1130pm (I know it's about 1045pm in the UK).

    Class is the other think you will notice - we're not so obsessed in knowing your background. All that really matters is the person inside, not the upbringing.

    Finally, you will make loads of casual Irish friendships and be able to maintain then with little effort in later life (I can contact friends I haven't seen for years and simply meet up again without an agenda). I find in the UK that people expect an introduction from a third party before accepting a friendship - it's just a little more formal.

    For more cultural differences read my website below - have a great time in UCD:

  5. been here 5 yrs.  its cool.  you wont recognise the pace and stress in blighty when you get back.!

    though its worse than germany for 'dont mention the war'.

    p.s.  i hope you like the pub......

  6. I moved to Dublin for a year to train as a midwife - it was a fantastic experience.

    I think the biggest difference is that the Irish are very friendly.

    Just enjoy the craic!

  7. i dont think there'll too much of a cultural difference so dont worry too much. You'll still have all the english shops like top shop,h&m, marks and spencers, tesco etc..over in dublin, and british and irish food is the same type of stuff.

    Irish people are friendly, and the pub will prob make up a lot of your social activities. Cos your going to college, you'll have the opportunity to meet a lot of people as well.

    One thing you should research before you come here is your living is expensive but im sure being from london you're used to that. But you should pick a few areas you'd like to live, and ones that arent too far from ucd, cos traffic in dublin is a nightmare. for flats etc..

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