
Moving to England but where?

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I have recently moved from Sweden to Scotland-Glasgow and it does not really fit my wife and I. We are going to take a tour of England today and see if we can find an area of England that might suit us better. I am here looking for sugestions.

Earlier this year I posted and had many responses for Glasgow so we gave it a try, it is not working so well. On our way up we stopped in Cumbria and feel in Love, this trip we are headed to Harrogate and than south.

What do you think? My wife is a IT proffessional and has her own buisness I am a Personal Trainer and Yoga Instructor.

We are not big party people but enjoy Jazz art and Wine. I would like a place that we feel safe of course there is good and Bad everywhere but not in your face Bad. Weather does not effect me only hot weather and oceans are not really my thing I love the country side, so you see my problem. All of England is open though so take your best shot and I will take a look.

Thank you!





  1. Kingston upon Thames. This way yr 15 mins from waterloo so youll have plently job opportunities, but still getting the fresh air. I would say anything just outside london. I would maybe check out chelmford but i dont know what its like for jobs down there. My sister live in southampton.

  2. Try Hebden Bridge.

    It is in the country, and not near the sea!

  3. My husband and I recently moved to Harrogate and love it here.  The town is very clean and really lovely, all around. Sometimes my husband has to work nights and I feel perfectly safe alone in our home.  There are several art galleries, parks, and a variety of shops and restaurants.  

    There is a lot of countryside outside the main city centre and the neighboring towns are also very nice.  I can't comment on what job opportunities might be here for your specialties, but there are regular trains to Leeds (about 30 minutes away).

  4. If I could start over again I'd do it in either Cheltenham or Chichester.  Both beautiful cities with high standards of living and scenic countryside surroundings.  Best of luck to you.

  5. I think you got recommended Glasgow as a joke. Try anywhere in the South East or South West - depends on what sort of lifestyle you want and can afford.

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