
Moving to Europe and the US?

by Guest34183  |  earlier

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I hear people saying oh I want to move to Europe when I am older. Is it the same for some European teens? Do they wanna move to the States or visit?




  1. I went to the US at 20 with expectations and was disappointed at the lack of cultural open-mindedness I found in the US. I couldn't find anyone who read for pleasure, who was interested enough in things other than the US, money or s*x to actually discuss them in general terms, as opposed to their own experiences of these. The things you can't pay for - friendship, good taste, cultural interests - were not savoured by the Americans I met, everything seemed to boil down to money. That was their language.

    So depsite being a fluent speaker of English, I had serious communication issues. I haven't been back.  

  2. I'm a 16 year old European teen and I want to immigrate - not to America, just elsewhere in Europe (I live in England atm).

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