
Moving to France right after college. Is that a good decision, or should I wait a few more years?

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Well I've been taking a French class all throughout high school, and I'm going to continue to during college. I really want to move to another country but I'm really nervous about it because all of my family will be here in America. Should I go right after college and start my career over there, or should I wait a few more years before moving?




  1. The problem with your plan is that the French economy is very poor and unemployment is sky high. The official unemployment rate is almost 10% and unemployment among young people is more like 20%

    You are not going to find a job other than teaching English and almost certainly nothing that will constitute a career unless you speak fluent French and what you learn in high school and college is not going to cut it.

    Also, whatever romantic dreams you have of France (and mind you, I adore Paris and spend a lot of time there) you will find the reality of living (rather than visiting) there quite a shock.

    The French are some of the most overtaxed people in the industrial world. The French bureaucracy is the most officious, arrogant,  and infuriating to be found anywhere.

    Prices for homes and apartments are sky high. Perhaps that is why the average Frenchmen lives in less space than the very poorest 20% of Americans (who have TWICE as much living space as the average person in France).

    There are no magic wands laying around on the streets of Paris or any other foreign country. If you can't make it at home you won't suddenly find Shangra La by leaving the country. Indeed, if there is a paradise on Earth  then its the United States and millions and millions of immigrants can testify to that.

    If you are really determined to live in France the smartest thing you can do is to check which American companies have a major presence in France. Get a job in the US with such a company and then angle for a transfer overseas. One buddy of mine went to work for an American company right out of law school and a year latter, when they bought a French company they sent him there as its CEO.

    If I sound too discouraging let me add that I know several expat's living in Paris who have managed to make their lives there by just winging it. Several are artists or musicians. Another one is a tour guide and another is an old hippy avant guard philosopher.

    You should take a long, hard and brutally honest look in the mirror and ask yourself whether this is the life for you.

    Dreams are wonderful things. Practical, well thought out plans by which dreams can be made real are even more wonderful.

  2. go! i swear, france is better than the US. and u dont have anything to lose. i've always wanted to explore places, and you have a great oppurtunity. just go for it. if you wont, you'll wonder what couldve been there. it'll be fun. i loved it when i was there :]

  3. I feel like I sometimes want to move out of this country as well, but just like America having pro's and con's so do other countries.  It would be best to research the living conditions and learn what their economy is like.  It would also be wise to talk to someone who has lived there and here.  From my understanding it is very expensive to live there, but because of the outsourcing of jobs in America it could be easier to get that "high paying" job, especially if you are educated and can speak French and English.

    On a side note, it could be a nice change for you.  

    Research and best of luck.

  4. The one thing I regret in life is not doing something abroad. You are young with out major responsibilities. GO TO FRANCE!!!!

    Sure you will miss your family but there is the phone, there is e-mail. You can stay in touch.

    This would be a chance of a lifetime. Think of how much fun you will have. The stories you will be able to tell you family and your friends, and some day your kids. You can always move back home, but you can't always move to France.

    Go, get out of here...............are you still here?

    Oh you want to take me with you? That is so nice. But I can't, you go and have a good time!!!!!! J/K!!!

    Seriously go to France!!!!!! You will have a blast!!!!!

  5. Wait and see if the US dollar gets stronger.


  6. Go for it right away otherwise you might just end up putting it for the rest of your life. Try to start your career right away over there.That way if something went wrong where you couldn't start it or you didn't like it, you can come back and you won't be wasting anytime.

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