
Moving to Reno and I can't find a job...?

by  |  earlier

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I've been searching and searching and searching. I've applied for a ton of jobs but since I'm technically out of the state still (in California) I don't think they're even considering me. I'm attending UNR in the Spring '09 and I need something to pay the bills that isn't in food service or a casino...difficult I know.

I'm working with a temp agency now but I hate temp agencies.

Any suggestions or specific places to look? I'm desperate.




  1. guess what, the market has run dry for liberal hippy geeky types who are too proud to take menial jobs, try learning a trade or resign yourself to pumping gas. You could start by changing your name to "Mr Muscles the amazin' would you like fries with that guy" until the pendulum swing back at the whole db crowd

  2. Ok well you are going to have to find work when you arrive.

    yes, temp agencies are terrible but it is a place to start.

    Service jobs are not well paid, but they will pay the bills while you look for better work.

    If you know someone in Reno use their address to apply for work and you may have much more success.

    Also when it comes time to move people will consider you more carefully, rather than weeks or months in advance.

  3. When I was younger, I moved my family to Reno, and it was very difficult to find a good job, we ended up moving back to California.  However, the jobs we did find were for independent businesses.  Being a student will make it hard.

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